US:PA-3: Tech Support issues

Tech Support issues

Bob Carlitz (
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 21:52:57 -0400 (EDT)

I am new to this discussion. But I find that the problems of technical
support get lots smaller if things are standardized.  At our school we
compound our problems when we have Mac's here and IBM's there , and Clones
somewhere else.  We are trying to use the Web as a backbone to standardize
things so that the networks are more easily managed and a working toward a
common look!  Netscape so far has made this easier by providing its browser
for free to education.  

This means leadership from us and the state bureacracy so that the networks
we maintain is more standardized and it means that not everyone gets exactly
what they want.  But that simplifies the management and support but orders
of magnitude.  

Hal Repasky, Seneca Valley SHS, Harmony, PA