US:PA-1: Assignment #1, again

Assignment #1, again

Fri, 19 Sep 1997 12:54:59 -0400 (EDT)

Given the finacial and human resources of the nation and the state, coupled 
with the technical expertise that exists and will continue to emerge with 
research and application, what is needed to impact on the rural side of the 
urban/rural debate is the formation (recreation) in Pennsylvania of an 
agency akin to the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1935. It 
would address, but more importantly PROVIDEfor the elctronic information 
needs of rural Pennsylvania. We must not allow or tolerate business, 
industry, or even the government to cite low population density as a reason 
for them (us, you, me,---society) to deny citizens information and 
education in places and ways  convenient to them. (Sounds like the Morrill 
Act, 1962, which provided for landgrant colleges). If we deny people, we do 
not progress as a society and civilization. Please note: when I use the 
terms "society", "citizens", "civilization", etc., I am not speaking theory
, philosophy, platitudes or Ivory Tower doubletalk.

What we need are elected public officials who are willing to bite the 
bullet, truly lead (test of leadership is to look over your shoulder, and 
if no one or just a few are marching behind you, well you just "ain't" a 
leader!), and PROVIDE for the common good. I seriously question some 
elected public officials priorities.

In the rural areas of Pennsylvania the smallest unit of government which 
can provide equal access to what we are discussing in this project is the 
county level. In Pennsylvania there are nine (9) classes of counties, based 
on population. In the smaller class counties, it would be advisable for 
these units to use a regional approach, as is done with regional economic 
development district boundaries--already in place in the Commonwealth.