US:PA-4: Re: Rural Library discounts

Re: Rural Library discounts

Barbara Doll (bcdli1@STULAB.SFCPA.EDU)
Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:16:42 +1100

In response to Cliff's request for comments from other libraries that 
are looking at small phone bills, this is the case for the Hastings 
Public Library.  Our bill is very similar to the Sullivan County rate 
of $70 for phone.  Our local internet supplier is presently providing 
the service free of charge (he is very supportive of libraries and 
serves on the board of another small town library).  

As our board's representative to investigate the erate, I have spent 
countless hours monitoring this list, researching internet info, etc. 
 Although I've learned a lot, and it has got me thinking about 
joining forces with the middle school located in Hastings and the 
small rural hospital which will be built here in the future, the 
benefits of the discount at this point in time are hard to envision.

I seem to remember that the next round of applications will begin in 
July 1998.  Perhaps for the small libraries, we need to keep abreast 
of what happens with the libraries that apply for this round, and 
look at what other services we could provide that we would not 
otherwise be able to offer so that we can apply in July 1998.

Does this sound reasonable to others on the list?

=A6               1847---"Touching Three Centuries"---1997               =A6
=A6 Barbara C. Doll                                                      =A6
=A6 Special Collections/Records Manager       Voice:    814.472.3163     =A6
=A6 Pasquerilla Library                       Fax:      814.472.3154     =A6
=A6 Saint Francis College                     Email:  =A6
=A6 Loretto, PA  15940-0600                   WebSite:  www://  =A6
"I dream of a library with no boundaries other than the world itself."
                                Erasmus, 13th century humanist