Jim Levin

Name: Jim Levin
E-mail: j-levin@uiuc.edu
Organization: Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
City and State: Champaign, IL
Date: Oct. 28 - 05:36 AM
Submitted from: mossberg-81.slip.uiuc.edu <>

1a. Topics: How would you describe the topics cover in the seminar?

Other Comments and Suggestions on the Seminar Topics:

[No information provided.]

1b. On-line Materials: Which on-line materials did you find to be useful?
Weekly Summaries

Other Comments and Suggestions on the On-line Materials

[No information provided.]

1c. Surveys: What was your opinion of the surveys?

Other Comments and Suggestions on the Surveys

[No information provided.]

2a. Organization: How did you regard the organization of the seminar?
Just right

2b. Moderation: The seminar's mailing list was set up as a moderated list, with the moderator reviewing all traffic and adding occasional editorial comments. How did you regard this aspect of the seminar?
Just right

2c. Duration: The seminar took place in a five week period. How would you describe this scheduling?
Too long

2d. Time required: How would you characterize the time required for you to participate in the seminar?

2e. Access: The seminar was organized so that material would be accessed through a combination of e-mail and the World Wide Web. How did you access this material?
E-mail and Web

Please add other observations you might have on the mechanics of the seminar.

[No information provided.]

3a. Achievement: Have you achieved what you hoped to accomplish in the seminar?

3b. Interactions: Have you interacted privately with other people registered for the seminar?

3c. Participation: Have you written to the FCC or other public officials in relation to the Telecommunications Act of 1996?
No, but I expect to do so in the future

3d. Recommendations: Would you recommend this type of seminar to other people in future?

Please add any other comments you have on the value of the seminar, on how you intend to use the information you gained here, and on whether you think that there should be similar activities in the future.

[No information provided.]

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