Michael Murray

Name: Michael Murray

E-mail: mmurray@kscmail.kennesaw.edu

Organization: Kennesaw State University Ed Tech Center

City and State: Kennesaw, GA

Area of Employment: education

How I heard about Network Democracy:

My supervisor at the Georgia Department of Education informed us of the web site and suggested that we register and participate.

My experience in this area:

I am the Director of an Educational Technology Center in Atlanta. We train K-12 educators on the effective use of technology in education. Training includes the following areas: Operating Systems (System 7, Win 3.11, Win95), Productivity Tools, Internet, Multimedia, HW Troubleshooting, 1/2 Camera Production, Networking, and Curriculum Integration. We provide Staff Development credit to participants who complete coursework and they receive a catalog of all course listings at their schools to distribute to peers. We also provide consulting on network design, hardware/software purchases and assessment of technology in schools.

What I hope to learn:

I want to gain knowledge on the perspective of others around the country on technology in schools, infrastructure issues and the future of technology in schools.

Additional comments:

[No information provided.]