L. Wade Black

Name: L. Wade Black

E-mail: wadeblack@mindspring.com

Organization: Alabama Center for Law & Civic Education

City and State: Birmingham, AL

Area of Employment: other

How I heard about Network Democracy:

CPB's CivTalk List

My experience in this area:

Am presently coordinating the development of two CivicNet networks, also have some background in cable access negotiations. My major professional work is in documentary filmmaking and media education, and in non-profit management.

What I hope to learn:

The two CivicNets I am helping to develop cannot succeed without open access and community participation. I don't simply want to stay current; I want to be able to see the steamrollers coming down the road BEFORE they get to us. Ideally, I want us to be DRIVING them! #8->

Additional comments:

Some form of open access is a necessity, both for us and for the providers. The questions are simply about what form it will take. Meanwhile, we need to stay just as focused on content -- how to provide it, how to find it, how to evaluate it when we find it. Cyberspace has as much potential to Balkanize as it does to democratize.