Andy Isaacs
Name: Andy Isaacs
Organization: University of Chicago School Mathematics Project
City and State: Chicago, IL
Area of Employment: education
- How I heard about Network Democracy:
- My experience in this area:
- I am interested in on-line staff development for elementary
school mathematics teachers. I have taught elementary
school, written elementary matheamtics curricula, and currently
work on a project that is creating materials to support
wide-scale staff development. I also work part-time on a
project to use MUDs to teach mathematics and
science to fifth graders.
- What I hope to learn:
- I am particularly anxious to learn what other people
are thinking about using the Internet to support teachers as
they work with innovative curricula. What sorts of things
might help new users? How about more experienced users? What
about graduate courses on-line? What sort of facilities (IRC,
MUDs, email lists, etc.) might help teachers help each other?
- Additional comments:
- [No information provided.]