Carole Teach
Name: Carole Teach
Organization: California Department of Education
City and State: Sacramento, CA
Area of Employment: government
- How I heard about Network Democracy:
- Directly from Laurie Maak and Bob Carlitz.
- My experience in this area:
- I have been working on school networking/telecommunications issues for about 5 years. Coordinated the development of the California K-12 Network Technology Planning Guide which helped set the stage for development of local networking infrastructure and Internet connectivity in CA schools.
- What I hope to learn:
- To gain a better understanding of these complex issues. The discussion should assist in the forumaltion of Californi's position which we will be conveying to the FCC. I will be preparing information to send to schools to inform them and keep them apprised of the impact of universal services and advanced telecommunications.
- Additional comments:
- [No information provided.]