James Lynett

Name: James Lynett

E-mail: jlynett@telis.org

Organization: Paso Robles City Schools

City and State: Paso Robles, CA

Area of Employment: education

How I heard about Network Democracy:

From the kidsphere listserve

My experience in this area:

I have taught limited English speakers for 22 years. I've worked in East Los Angeles, Peace Corps Morocco, Portugal and as a bilingual Spanish-English teacher in Los Angeles and Central Calif. I plan to express my knowledge of second language learners as well as disadvantaged groups such as migrant farmworker children to the discussion.

What I hope to learn:

I hope to learn how society will respond to the needs of my students in the context of the new telecommunications bill.

Additional comments:

I hope to share this information with my faculty in my capacity as telementor.