Kate Doyle

Name: Kate Doyle

E-mail: kdoyle@edcoe.k12.ca.us

Organization: El Dorado County Office of Education

City and State: Placerville, CA

Area of Employment: education

How I heard about Network Democracy:

email messages from Laurie Mack and Jackie Siminitus, who is with Pac Bell's Education First program.

My experience in this area:

For the past five years as librarian at El Dorado High School, I worked to bring telecommunications access to a school in a rural area, and was able to expand our access from dial-up to T-1. I also worked extensively with teachers to help them integrate Internet activities in their instruction.

What I hope to learn:

In my new job at the County Office, I am working with schools and teachers throughout our county to help them establish connectivity and to help teachers maximize the use of new resources. So I am very interested in learning more about the law and policy issues - what is scalable? What will work best for the most people? I also hope to help represent the concerns of schools in rural areas.

Additional comments:

I appreciate this opportunity. I have already found info in the repository to be very useful.