* Should there be an "E-rate" for schools and libraries? There is still to large a gap between the haves and havenots. There should be a minimum on-site configuration first perhaps followed by an "e-rate". * Should there be a requirement for state-approved technology plans? Yes, it is a non-cost item that anyone can do and makes each library and school focus on the need, the use, and the benefits to their situation. * How should one define a bona fide request for services? One that meets a basic set of requirements including; Attending a state sponsored demonstration of use and planning seminar and yearly update seminars by a member of the request body. A technology plan (configuration, use, layout, purpose, etc), costs, plan for upkeep, and evaluation tools (form sent via Internet to evaluating body?) * Should Universal Service subsidies apply to groups which provide materials and services to schools and libraries as well as to the schools and libraries themselves? They should be compensated, either directly or billed through the library or school. The second method would make them accountable to the library and school and be a simpler monster to control, but I am seeing it from the school side of the issue. All of these fall in the category of IMHO!