This post was originally sent to our SCIway listserv. I wanted to share this with the group as an example of a process that could be a checklist item for confirming that a bona fide request, under USF parlance, had been made. In other words, real community involvement in the process. Marty ++++ Paul Lewis wrote: I can't think of a better way for government agencies to support civic development, economic development, education, and greater citizen involvement in improving the quality of life in local communities than for agencies to use technology to facilitate citizen access to taxpayer funded public data and documents. Using technology as an excuse for charging fees undercuts all of these goals. +++++++++ Paul, Thank you for bringing this article to our attention. IMO, it is important for citizens to have these issues discussed in a community setting. I am interested in seeing a Citizen's Communications Committee (CCC) concept implemented in all counties in SC. Many communities are doing this in various places in the US. Some are in the form of Cable TV advisory boards that go across municipal boundaries. Lately their scope has been broadened to include emerging technology convergence issues. I believe that the county librarian should be responsible for bringing this to a seed stage by inviting the appropriate parties and citizens together in each county for a visit to the library. It would also help to have the economic development official for the county involved. I am not advocating the library driving this issue. Just getting the seed going. The idea will be taken up and incorporated into something new, I would hope, returning the librarian to their traditional, and changing, role. It is imperative that all community, government and county businesses viewpoints be solicited and incorporated. We are in the process of doing this in Georgetown County, thanks to the initiative of our County Economic Development Director, David Sandora. David has arranged a "Telecommunications Forum" for Sept. 17th. He has GTE, Horry Tel. Coop., AT&T, Time-Warner Cable, Ted Lightle and me as presenters, in what should be an interesting public relations parade. I am personally not above such tactics, and will be pushing my consulting services. David is concerned that 20 years from now, our kids may be sitting around wondering why we didn't start planning for the future back in the late nineties. I hope the librarians on the list will share this with others concerned about the future of their county's information infrastructure. The CCC concept is needed to bring information related issues to the county planning radar screen in our State. It would be nice to see the Councils of Government resources used here too. It would also be great to see some involement in the Universal Service issues before the PSC. Unfortunately, I can't even participate unless they issue a variance to their rules. Seems that the last date to file for intervenor status in the scheduled PSC Universal Service Docket late in October was last February. Back to the CCC. What if we were to invite into our SCIway discussions this important component of the South Carolina pool of talent - Librarians? Every one in all 46 counties? Would the current county librarians on SCIway respond and make them- selves known? I believe you have an important calling before you. Also, does anyone keep up with email addresses for librarians in the State? Marty Tennant President Low Tech Designs, Inc. "Bringing Technology Down to Earth"tm