US/ND-1: E-rate


Carole Teach (
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 10:32:03 -0700

I attended the National NetDay Conference on June 29 when Al Gore announced
the education rate or "E-rate" for telecommunications services.  I quote,
"basic telecommunications should be an E-rate that is a free rate.
Advanced telecommunications should be low cost.  Adequate bandwidth should
be technology neutral with fair, open competition."

I would like to have further discussion and a position about the E-rate?
What would be included under the heading "basic telecommunicatons" vs
advanced telecommunications?

Carole Teach                                                    Phone:
(916) 654-9662
K-12 Network Planning                                 FAX: (916) 657-3707
Research, Evauation and Technology
California Dept. of Education