I think there are two important elements in our discussions. The first is preparing teachers to use the new technology so that it will be useful in the classroom and used in the classroom. I was at a seminar on technology thinking that everyone should be getting to use this new approach. Howeever the leader of the the group made it clear that it the teacher who must teach the subject. Let them determine what is needed in the classroom. He said not everyone needs to use the computer. Find out from each teacher what technology is needed and wnated in their class. And then help them get it. The other element that has been talked about a little is the the neeed to have money available to help keep school up to date. It's important that we don't get money to just set up the technology programs in schools. With the changes that happen so quickly today we as schools need the funds to be able to upgrade as needed Withiout this aspect included money spent today ccould prove to be useless tomorrow. Timothy