Fwd: New Telemammography project over CA*net 3 and Internet 2
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:05:41 -0500
- From: Gene Hastings <hastings@info-ren.org>
- Subject: Fwd: New Telemammography project over CA*net 3 and Internet 2
bruno.info-ren.org id SAA02524
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Reply-To: pgh-inet@network-democracy.org
>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:15:46 -0500 (EST)
>From: CAnet-3-NEWS@canarie.ca
>Subject: New Telemammography project over CA*net 3 and Internet 2
>For more information on this item please visit the CANARIE CA*net 3 Optical
>Internet program web site at http://www.canet3.net/news/news.html
>[This is a very exciting health project between Sunnybrook Hospital,
>University of Pennsylvania and several other institutes. A single mammogram
>file transmission can easily consume 33 Mbps of bandwidth. It is typical of
>one of many new applications that are dramatically driving up the bandwidth
>consumption on our research networks. Due to the high bandwidth
>requirements for this application and the resultant expensive local loop
>costs Sunnybrook is exploring the purchase of dark fiber to links it servers
>directly with the UoT GigaPOP.
> - BSA]
>Dr Mawdsley writes...
>We are developing techniques to transfer and store very large images over
>the Next Generation Internet. Sunnybrook and Women's College Health
>Sciences Centre is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto, and
>Dr Martin Yaffe, the PI of the project is a professor in the department
>of Medical Biophysics and also in the faculty of Medicine. We are
>currently accessing the CANET3 Gigapop through our ÏUniversity of
>TorontoÓ server.
>One of our more significant projects is one with the American College of
>Radiology evaluating Digital
>Mammography, where we are providing them with digital mammograms ( and
>providing Quality Control services for the entire project (20 sites) out
>of Toronto, and hope to have the entire interaction internet based.
>A very low level over view of the Digital Mammography archive project
>is at:
>The official web-site is <http://NSCP01.PHYSICS.UPENN.EDU/ndma>
>Just for info, our research group hosted a major international
>conference on Digital Mammography, which will have a significant impact
>on future medical imaging, and network implications.
>This is the public relations summary from the US NLM Ò NGI web site
>announcing the projects.
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>These news items and comments are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect
>those of the CANARIE board or management.
>Bill St. Arnaud
>Senior Director Network Projects
>+1 613 785-0426