RE: Consultant Meeting
- Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 07:53:53 -0400
- From: "Thomas J. Mazzo" <>
- Subject: RE: Consultant Meeting
Please have me removed from all broadcast messages.
Sixth request.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kathy Schroerlucke []
> Sent: Sunday, May 30, 1999 11:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Consultant Meeting
> Rich:
> RE: I'Net Management Entity
> I thought that a group would begin to work on delineating the I'Net
> management issues,e. g., policies, procedures, criteria for
> participation,
> implementation schedule, etc. without the consultant. Once a draft of
> recommendations is developed, it makes sense to see if the consultant
> would
> review our plan with us. Once we have a draft, it would be helpful to
> take
> advantage of the consultant's expertise. I'm not sure we need the
> consultant for the fleshing out part, unless we are not on the same
> page
> about the I'Net structure that is being proposed. But it seems that
> we are.
> Deputy Mayor Tom Cox was very clear that the City does not see itself
> in
> the role of either managing or controlling the management process of
> the
> I-Net. However, it seems that the Mayor's office would be interested
> in
> advising us or collaboarting with us as we try to give shape to its
> management. I think the Mayor's office would have valuable input into
> any
> system that would ensure fair and equitable participation in the I'Net
> structure throughout the city. My guess is that it would be easier
> and
> more effective for them to participate in a critique/review capacity
> rather
> than in a development capacity.
> I would like to believe that once we have something to propose, that
> we
> would solicit feedback from the consultant, from the Mayor's office,
> foundation community and from the I'Net stakeholders. We might even
> want
> to hold focus group discussions in neighborhoods. We need to bring
> something to the table and not wait for others to facilitate that!
> I think it would be helpful to hear how other cities have implemented
> management for equitable participation and learn from their successes
> and
> failures. Hope I'm not completely off point here but this is my two
> and a
> half cents!
> Kathy