Consultant Meeting
- Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 18:04:08 EDT
- From:
- Subject: Consultant Meeting
The Bloomfield - Garfield Corporation
Youth Development Center
5129 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224
PH: 412-441-9833 Fax No.: 441-6956
May 27, 1999
Roxanne Thomas, President
Jamita Poston, Vice-President
Elizabeth Perry, Treasurer
Norman Mekkelon, Secretary
Deputy Mayor Tom Cox
City of Pittsburgh
5th Floor City County Bldg.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dear Deputy Tom Cox:
On May 17th when you met with the Pittsburgh I-Net Working Group you
shared with us a sense of urgency that we needed to meet within two weeks. I
have tried now for the past two weeks to work with your office in order to
acquire a time, date, and place for the I-Net Working Group to meet with the
City's consultant.
I am respectfully requesting that we follow through on what was
agreed to at the May 17th meeting. It was agreed that Attorney Rodney Akers
would work with me to arrange a meeting between the I-Net Working Group and
the City's Technology Consultant.
I will again try calling Attorney Rodney Akers (City's Community
Liaison) and your office to make arrangements for the meeting.
Please, lets get the spirit of collaboration moving again.
Richard Flanagan
Youth Development
Cc: Mayor Tom Murphy
Councilman Dan Cohen
Councilman Sala Udin
Attorney Rodney Akers