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Position available/Please broadcast

Please look over the below job description and refer it to individuals that 
may be interested. My organization has been having a hard time filling the 
position and we would greatly appreciate your support. It is an exciting 
position that has  great growth potential.

The Bloomfield - Garfield Corporation
5149 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224
PH: 412-441-9833	Fax No.: 441-6956

Position Available
Youth Development Coordinator

Title:     Youth Development Coordinator
Compensation: $26,000 plus individual medical, dental & disability benefits
Status:   Full-time, 40 hours per week
Background Needed: Experience working with children; good interpersonal and 
                 skills; competent writing skills; knowledge of community 
assets and resources
Reports to: Youth Development Director

Duties and Responsibilities

1) Assist the youth development director with management and expansion of the 
"Generations Together" program that provides weekly activities and projects 
for the benefit of 15 to 20 teenagers from the Garfield, Bloomfield, and 
Friendship neighborhoods and recruit older residents to serve as volunteer 
mentors for the participants.

2) Promote the use of the BGC Community Activity Center for youth-oriented 
events or activities and provide logistical support to persons or 
organizations that use the Center for this purpose.

3) Assist volunteers from the community in planning programs or activities 
for the benefit of children (including the development of fundraising 
strategies). Identify artists, musicians, and crafts persons interested in 
providing arts programs for children under the Penn Avenue Arts Initiative 
and guide them in the submission of applications for funding.

4) Aid in the implementation of the BGC youth employment program assisting 
with participant recruitment, proposal development, and worksite creation.

5) Organize a youth advisory council for the community to provide a forum for 
the input of youths into improving the quality of life in the area served by 
the BGC. Assist youth with developing and implementing change strategies 
resulting from the advisory council process.

6) Act as a liaison to the Pittsburgh Public Schools, with a special focus on 
support to parent/school/community councils established at those schools, 
which serve children from the area.

7) Represent the BGC at periodic conferences, planning sessions and seminars 
where policies or programs affecting children are formed or evaluated and 
collect information on successful initiatives for use in the BGC's own 

8) Attend all bi-monthly meetings of the BGC's youth development committee, 
and assist the youth development director in preparing the agenda for such 

9) Provide articles to The Bulletin, the BGC's newspaper, that inform the 
public and promote important events and activities relating to the youth 
development program.

10) Is able and licensed to drive a 15-person passenger van for the BGC when 
required in the execution of job duties or responsibilities.

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