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Consultant Meeting

From: Rick Flanagan
Subject: Liaison committees of the Pittsburgh I-Net Working Group

Congratulations on being assigned by Deputy Mayor Tom Cox to the task of 
being the community liaison to the Pittsburgh I-Net Working Group. I look 
forward to working closely with you. Our combined efforts are critical to the 
growth and stability of Pittsburgh.

As discussed in Monday's meeting (May 17, 1999) of the Pittsburgh I-Net 
Working Group with Deputy Mayor Tom Cox, two smaller committees will be 
established that would work with the City and its negotiating team to help 
refine the concept of a municipal I-Net:

1) Infrastructure committee.  This committee will focus on issues of network 
architecture and costs.

2) Management committee.  This committee will look at models for operational 
organization and management structure.

The two committees will help the negotiating team in formulating its requests 
for the structure and operation of a municipal I-Net. The committees will 
seek to define structures which adequately serve the needs of the City, the 
school district and the libraries with regard to reliability and flexibility, 
while providing the extensibility needed to meet community networking needs.

As agreed, the members of the committees will meet with the City's consultant 
to discuss the scope of the work that needs to be accomplished. The Heinz 
Foundation will assist with the cost.

Deputy Mayor Cox made it clear that we would need to move quickly and meet 
with the consultant. Mr. Cox also stated that the consultant was to be in 
town within the next two weeks and it would be best to schedule the meeting 
when he is in Pittsburgh.

I need some dates and times from you when the committee members could meet 
with the consultant. I would expect that we would need at least a three hour 

Please, e-mail back with this information.

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