RE: Members/I-Net Working Group
- Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:19:53 -0400
- From: "Yaworsky, Elbie" <>
- Subject: RE: Members/I-Net Working Group
I am unable to attend - I will have Paul Parker represent the Carnegie
Libraries and Museums on my behalf.
-=- Elbie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Members/I-Net Working Group
> I-Net Meeting Set
> Deputy Mayor Tom Cox has confirmed that he will meet with the Pittsburgh
> I-Net working group on Monday, May 17th, 3:00 p.m. in the Mayor Tom
> Murphy's
> Conference Room, 5th floor City County Building. Deputy Mayor Cox has made
> arrangements for his key staff people to attend the meeting along with
> inviting Councilman Cohen and Councilman Udin.
> The meeting will focus on gaining the City of Pittsburgh's official
> response
> to the I-Net proposal and a discussion of ways the I-Net working group
> members and their organizations can support the City on their negotiating
> position with TCI/AT & T.
> This meeting is of great importance! Please, e-mail with your plans to
> attend
> upon reading this message at