Members/I-Net Working Group
- Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:11:40 EDT
- From:
- Subject: Members/I-Net Working Group
I-Net Meeting Set
Deputy Mayor Tom Cox has confirmed that he will meet with the Pittsburgh
I-Net working group on Monday, May 17th, 3:00 p.m. in the Mayor Tom Murphy's
Conference Room, 5th floor City County Building. Deputy Mayor Cox has made
arrangements for his key staff people to attend the meeting along with
inviting Councilman Cohen and Councilman Udin.
The meeting will focus on gaining the City of Pittsburgh's official response
to the I-Net proposal and a discussion of ways the I-Net working group
members and their organizations can support the City on their negotiating
position with TCI/AT & T.
This meeting is of great importance! Please, e-mail with your plans to attend
upon reading this message at