Superintendent Support Letter
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:15:20 EDT
- From:
- Subject: Superintendent Support Letter
Has your support letter been sent? Attached file has a sample support letter.
Below is a copy of the letter that was sent from Superintendent Dale
Frederick to Councilman Dan Cohen. Please note that since I did note receive
a scanned copy the letterhead and signature does not appear. Anyone wanting a
hard copy please e-mail me with your name and address.
See you at Hill House tonight at 6:30 p.m. for the I-Net community meeting.
April 28, 1999
The Honorable Dan Cohen
Pittsburgh City Council
5th Floor, City-County Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dear Councilman Cohen:
First, I would like to thank you for taking the lead on the enormous and
complex task of negotiations with AT&T/TCI regarding the city's cable
franchise agreement. We in the School District are aware that your vision is
beyond City interests and includes both district and community needs. We
appreciate efforts you have made toward the realization of this vision and
would like to extend our support to you and others involved in the
Specifically, the joint proposal would be most beneficial not only for the
education of our young people, but also our need to communicate with our
constituents. On our own, with our major budgetary constraints, we could
never finance the necessary infrastructure and technology required for a
fiber I-net system. This system, which would allow us to transmit data,
voice and video between and among our facilities, could save the district a
great deal of money in the areas of staff development and communications, for
Providing network access for community groups would enable our students to
continue their studies after school hours, promote lifelong learning and job
opportunities for citizens, and enhance our communication with the
communities we serve. We would welcome the opportunity to expand the I-net
to community sites where feasible, within the confines of our budget and the
need to keep our system secure and safeguard the confidentiality of certain
Please let us know how we might be of service to you in supporting this
cause. This time around, the Pittsburgh School District is taking a much
stronger interest in the city's cable franchise agreement.
Dale E. Frederick
Superintendent of Schools
cc: Members, Pittsburgh School Board
Members, Pittsburgh City Council
Mayor Tom Murphy
Mr. Jerry Balbier
Mr. Richard Flanagan
Mr. John Barry