Future Outlook

Closing Session
Where Do We Go From Here?
Comments and Suggestions for the Future

Notes by Jennifer Yee

  1. NSF should learn from experiences in the trenches

  2. There are no tidy solutions. What we do in the schools is “messy”.

  3. Role of collaborations is key, although these are hard to define.

  4. We need to evaluate what we do before evaluation report comes out.

  5. We need to think about how we can include community-based institutions and commercial interests.

  6. Students need to be involved more.

  7. We need to consider what we are going to use this technology for and how we can use it well.

  8. While we have this opportunity, we need to show school boards and other policy makers that this is useful.

  9. Graduate students should be encouraged to conduct research in this area.

  10. Collaboration is a balancing act. We need to do a PR job and a marketing job to help the research community. We also need to balance the missions of various agencies.

  11. Various lines of research need to be integrated more, such as neuroscience, information science and education.

  12. We need to better integrate teachers so they understand why this technology is important and it needs to be integrated into the curriculum.

  13. The culture of how teachers teach must change.

  14. Organizational structure and development must be considered.

  15. There must be organizational infrastructure to support this

  16. Technology should facilitate community development rather than replace it.

  17. We need to get qualitative and quantitative data to teachers and school board members to demonstrate the impact this technology has.

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