Questioning ourselves

Laurie Maak (
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 19:44:48 -0500 (EST)

Maybe another way to gain some insight into dissemination needs (and 
obstacles) is to think about what you did to gather information as you 
were developing your NIE projects. 	
	Did you do any research? 
	Where did you go to get information on what others were doing? 
	Did you consciously build on the successes of others?
	Did you look in your immediate area? your state, the nation?
	What information would have made your research easier?
	What is useful information? 
I think the last question is the most important. When you researched other
projects or now when you disseminate information about your own project do
you focus on identifying the key processes or fundamental principals that
worked for you?  Although different in every individual implementation,
these key elements can and should provide a strong foundation for the
success of others. 
