Content, The Net, Curiosity

Barry L. Chad (
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 19:52:30 EST

The most valuable commodity on the internet is content.
It's lack is apparent to everyone that surfs.
The abundance of glitz and graphics that disguise
lack of content is the discouragement of the Net.
I am convinced that the Web affords the opportunity
to present content (at all educational levels) and
that hypertext (and very likely even animated gifs,
server push, client pull and ostensibly goofy programs)
have the ability to invoke the viewer's curiosity to
keep on going further--to pursue an idea or a concept
or subject through all kinds of twists and turns.
If the Web and hypertext represent a new way of writing
and a new way of presenting information, then the
exploration of that newness has scarcely begun.
Barry Chad
Assistant Head, Pennsylvania Department
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh