PC Remote Build Server Page
This document explains how to enable a server to support PC Remote Build, how to update this server, and how
to add additional packages.
Server Setup
PC-RB can be setup on any sever that has a HTTP server. The steps to enable pc-rb are:
- Create an account on the server for the user fileserv. It should live in /home/system/fileserv.
- Create the sub-directories pc, lib, bin, site.
- Create the following sub-directories off of site:
- ~fileserv/pc/site/config
- ~fileserv/pc/site/config/sys
- Create a soft link in the document directory of the WWW server that points to the pc sub directory in
fileserv, call it pcrb (the command would be ln -s ~fileserv/pc pcrb).
- Ftp the following file from the master server (sup.pps.pgh.pa.us) and place it in the corresponding
- From fileserv's account, execute sup ~fileserv/lib/master.sup. (If sup does not exist on the
server, you will need to get a copy of it as well.)
- Copy over the standard configuration file from ~fileserv/pc/config/standard/sys/standard.cfg
to ~fileserv/pc/site/config/sys/.
- Copy over the corresponding site configuration file from ~fileserv/pc/config/site/sys/?.cfg to
- Create a directory for the site corresponding to the package name located in the site configuration file
(?.cfg) in ~fileserv/pc/site/ (i.e. schenley.cfg should have a directory called schenley.10 in
- Execute ~fileserv/bin/sup_fileserv.
- Put the following commands in cron for fileserv:
- ~fileserv/bin/daily
- ~fileserv/bin/weekly
The first one should be run daily at 3:00am, the last should be run once a week, approximately 30-60
minutes after the first one.
If you need to be backwardly compatible with previous versions of pcrb, you will also need to do the following:
- Create a soft link in the document directory of the WWW server that points to the pc sub-directory in
fileserv named refresh.
- Create a link in ~fileserv/pc that points to ~fileserv/pc/all and call it base.
Product Design
Directory Hierarchy
The packages of software that make up the fileserv account are stored in sub directories under "pc" based on there
classifier of:
Operating System Software: | os |
Free Software: | free |
Commercial Software: | comm |
PC Remote Build Software: | sys |
Configuration Files for pc-rb: | config |
Site Specific Files: | site |
Links to all packages: | base |
The packages are stored under their corresponding directory. These are named using a standardized format of
package_name.version_#. The version number is created by removing all punctuation from the real version
number. For example, MSWord 2.01 becomes msword.201 and MSDOS 6.22 would be msdos.622. Within the
directory itself, the software must be arranged in a directory structure that mimics the directory structure on the
client computer.
Package Selection & Distribution
Packages are initially brought over to the server via sup and a master fileserv server. The base distribution
master.sup which is brought over initially, contains the basic software to run Windows For Workgroups and
several free Internet programs (e.g. telnet, ftp, www browser). A site can choose to request additional packages
by editing the site.sup file, located in ~fileserv/lib, to include different collections. A list of all current
available collections is located in ~fileserv/lib/collections.txt. The script sup_from_info will use both
master.sup (which should never be change), to bring over the standard distribution, and site.sup to bring over
site specific collections. Further help can be found in the sup man page.
- Package
- A package is one software application or a part of a software application that can be installed on a Intel X86
computer (386, 486, Pentium). The exception is a Sup Package.
- Package, Sup
- A sup package is a group of packages that are grouped under one name, in the case of pc-rb, it is derived
from the location that the packages will exist on the server (i.e. ~fileserv/pc/free)
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Version 1.2:July 16, 1996:CJR