Using Unix:
Links, Resources and Common Tasks

Having a working knowledge of the unix operating system is vital to effective administration of the servers. While several different types (also know as flavors) of unix are used at Common Knowledge they all share basic structures, commands, and ideas. This document is not intended as a complete guide to learning unix but will provide the basic information that you need to know.


Resources within CK:P

Man Pages: These are online help documents. Almost every unix package and command has at least one man page associated with it. These documents are perfect for those people looking for the exact syntax of a command or program. These pages are written for more advanced users but they still provide valuable information to users at any level. There are two ways of getting help from the man pages.

Log into any unix machine and, at the command prompt, type man [command]. If there is an available manpage it will bring it up. Sometimes its easier to print this information out on paper. If you want to do that first save the manpage to a file by typing man [command] > [filename]. Then type lpr [filename]. this will print the formatted man page to your local printer.

You can also get man pages on the web. Just click on this link and you'll be able to search for the information you are looking for.

Common Tasks

This list is by no means complete. If you can't find what you are looking for try a search. If that doesn't work please send mail to

Groups and Chown

Tarring and untarring.


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Revision 1.0: May 17, 1996: CJR