The PH database is the repository of all user information related to account creation. This includes addresses, groups, and so forth. The PH database greatly reduces the time and overhead involved with creating and maintaining user accounts.
Assume the new user data is in "newdata". Of course you must qualify it if it is in a different directory.
You will build the database in /var/ph/new and move it into /var/ph
You must put "primes" in your path. This program is normally in /usr/games, but does not seem to exist in OSF. I compiled it from the NetBSD sources. It is currently in ~ksulliva/bin.
$ cd /var/ph/new
$ cp ../account.cnf .
$ /usr/local/lib/ph/util/sizedb account.cnf newdata (This returns a number which I'll call
$ /usr/local/lib/ph/util/credb SIZE account
$ /usr/local/lib/ph/util/maked account < newdata
$ /usr/local/lib/ph/util/makei account
$ /usr/local/lib/ph/util/build -s account
Now we backup the old database and install the new one
$ cd /var/ph
$ mv account* old
$ mv new/account* .
$ touch account.lck
$ sudo chown -R .
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