Account Migration - User Admin

This process assumes that you already have an account on the machine you are switching to. If you do not have an account there you must create one before you can start the migration process.

PART ONE - Before You Migrate

Before you migrate your account, be sure to do the following:

PART TWO - Moving Your Mail

  1. Login to the server you are migrating to
  2. At the UNIX prompt type: cd mail (This changes to your mail directory on the server)
  3. Type: ftp oberon (This begins the file transfer protocol program.)
  4. At the prompts, enter your login and password
  5. At the ftp prompt type: cd mail (This changes to your mail directory on oberon)
  6. Type: prompt (This will eliminate the multiple questions as each folder transfers.)
  7. Type: mget * (This will get all the folders in your oberon mail directory and put a copy in your mail directory on the server.)
  8. Type: bye (This takes you out of the ftp program once the file transfer is complete.)
  9. Type: cd .. (This takes you out of the mail directory and back to the /home/school/userid directory.)
  10. Typing pwd will show you your working directory

PART THREE - Moving Your Addressbook, ...

To bring over your address book, list of newsgroups you subscribe to, gopher bookmarks, Pine configurations, and lynx bookmarks.


  1. Login to the server you are migrating to
  2. Type: ftp
  3. Type: prompt (This will turn off the interactive mode)
  4. Type: mget .*
  5. This will quickly copy all of the files that begin with a period to your new server.
  6. Type: bye

PART FOUR - Moving Directories and Files

You will need to do Step Four, only if you've created directories in your oberon account. To transfer all directories:

  1. Login to
  2. At UNIX prompt type:ls -al | more
    This will show you all your directories and files one screenful at a time. To see the next screenful press the spacebar. Directories are marked with a 'd' and files are marked by a '-' in the first column on the left. Make a list of all directory names except for those that begind with a period (e.g. .tin). Alternatively you can save this list to a file and then print the file by typing
    ls -al | lpr -Pprinter_name
  3. Exit from and login to the server you are migrating to.
  4. Type: mkdir [name] Where name is a directory name from
    What you are doing is making an exact duplicate of the directory structure on your new server. You will have to do this for each directory you are copying.
  5. Type: ftp oberon
  6. Enter your login name and password at the prompts.
  7. Type: prompt
  8. Type: mget *
  9. This should rapidly copy all of your files, directories and subdirectories onto your new server.
  10. Type: bye

PART FIVE - Setting Your Maildrop

Tell your site administrator that you are ready to have your maildrop set to the schools server. Regular users can not set their own maildrops. It must be done by the site administrator.

For Site Administrator's Only

This will reset the specified user's maildrop to the server he/she will now be using. The maildrop change will take effect at 2 a.m.

*Not for Useradmins* For changes to become effective immediately. *Not for Useradmins*

NOTE: Whenever you compose or forward mail on the TO: or Cc: line, you must type in the person's whole email address (, unless that person has an account on the same host as you.

PART SIX - Cleaning Out the Oberon Account

After a couple of weeks, go back and clean out your oberon account.

  1. Login to
  2. Type: ls -al | more to view or ls -al | lpr -Pprinter_name to print a list of your files and directories.
  3. Delete the directories and files.
    To delete a directory and its files: Type: rm -r [name of directory]
    To delete a file: Type: rm [name of file]
    Multiple files can be deleted by using the wildcard * (e.g. rm *foo will erase all files that end in foo)

After each step has been completed your account will be ready to use on the new server.


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Revision 1.05:April 29, 1996:CJR