Canceling a News Article

This document will provide you with information on how to delete a news article from news servers across the internet.
The steps below must be followed in order. You also need to have access to the news server and have root privlidges.
  1. Log in to the news server.
  2. Locate the original article (cd into /var/spool/news/ckp/trouble, for example). Do a grep to find the article number.
  3. Copy the article to a temporary file.
  4. Edit the file.
    Change the message id from something like:
       Message-ID: <$>
       Message-ID: <cancel-$>
  5. Add a line to the headers that looks like:
       Control: cancel 
  6. Add another line that looks like:
       Approved: your-name.
  7. Update the "Date" header.
  8. Delete the following lines:
  9. Save the file. Run inews -h /tmp/tempfile.


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Revision 1.0:Oct 28, 1996:CJR