II-D. Second-Year Research Projects

Brief synopses of the winning proposals are as follows. Although the winning proposals are very diverse, they all reflect out current understanding of the factors that increase the effectiveness of educational activities [5]. Hence there is a uniform emphasis on active multi-disciplinary learning, collaboration and authentic tasks.

  1. Carrick High School. The network project at Carrick High School focuses upon career opportunities. Students will gather career information from online correspondents and compile a career portfolio.
  2. East Hills International Studies Academy. Elementary school students will expand hands-on activities in mathematics and science through collaborations with other schools. The architect of this program has recently directed a networking program for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  3. Frick International Studies Academy. Students at the Frick middle school will be engaged in an interdisciplinary project exploring the effects of air pollution, water pollution and deforestation on daily living around the world. The project will link current activities in science, mathematics and business.
  4. Fulton Academy of Geography and Life Sciences. The project at the Fulton elementary school proposes to integrate online resources into its specialized curriculum in Geography and Life Sciences.
  5. Liberty International Studies School. The project at the Liberty elementary school investigates ecological issues through current international contacts such as the Monteverde Children's Rain Forest project in Costa Rica.
  6. Phillips Elementary School. Phillips -- a school on one of Pittsburgh's three rivers -- is a participant in the Voyager project, a regional activity which studies and explores the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers from aboard a river vessel classroom.
  7. Spring Hill Elementary School. The Interdisciplinary Weather Project at the Spring Hill Elementary School is an effort to use the study of weather as a vehicle for introducing the methods of hands-on science to the elementary school population.