Time Marches On.....

  • Where do I find the time to:
    - learn about hardware (mouse, keyboard, memory, hard drive, cd-rom, scanner, server, LAN....)
    - learn about software (email, www, Sketchpad, laboratory interfaces, graphics calculators....)
    - learn about how it fits into my curriculum....
    - learn how to teach with technology
    - practice!!!

  • Possibilities as a function of ownership and access....
    - during school (if the school and principal have bought in)
    - after school (if you have bought in and the opportunity is there)
    - at home (if you've really bought in)
    - after midnight (if you're hooked)

  • Long Term (the real questions ....)
    - are you willing to become a learner again?
    - are you willing to give yourself 1-3 years to become comfortable with the technology?
    - is there someone who will go along for the ride?