Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh

Informational Newsletter
Volume 95, Number 10

What is the World Wide Web?

These days, when you watch TV, read a newspaper or magazine you consistently find references to the World Wide Web (WWW). These references will contain an address that look something like:

So what's it all about ...

The WWW is a hypertext environment that allows users to navigate the Internet in a powerful and efficient manner. Hypertext means:

So what do you need to access the WWW? On CK:P servers, such as oberon, you can use a program called Lynx from the menus (Item #2). Lynx allows you to go out on the WWW in a text-only environment.

If you want to use the WWW in its truest form you will need a computer with a mouse, a windows type operating system, and a SLIP or network connection to the Internet. Individual dial up users will need special SLIP/PPP software that allows the modem to conect at a higher speed. You will also need a WWW viewer. The two most popular viewers are Netscape and Mosaic. Both viewers provide multimedia access to the WWW.

World Wide Web Vocabulary

  • homepage: a school's, company's or individual's cover or opening page on the Net
  • URL: Universal Resource Locator (a site's WWW address)
  • http: hypertext transfer protocol (the prefix on all WWW addresses)
  • html: hypertext markup language (the code used to create web pages)
  • gif or jpg: a graphic or picture file
  • au or wav: a sound file
  • mpeg: a movie file

    In future issues of the newsletter we will show you how teachers and students are using the WWW, PPS school homepages, and interesting sites on the Net. We encourage you to visit the Common Knowledge homepage at: /projects/ckp/local.html. This homepage contains K12 resources, CK:P project documentation, Search Mechanisms and Help for CK:P Users.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question: What different types of resources can I expect to find on the World Wide Web?

    Answer: Almost any type of information can be found on the WWW. Libraries, museums, universities, government agencies and K12 schools are beginning to provide resources. In addition, major companies have information about their products, with some even providing support via the WWW.

    Question: What do I do when I have a web address and I want to go to that location?

    Answer: In lynx, you would type the letter [g] for [go] and then type the address EXACTLY as you see it. In Netscape or Mosaic, use the mouse to click on the Open button and then type the address. When you hit the enter key, you should connect with the site.

    A great site to try this with is the Yahoo homepage at:

    Obtaining Help

    Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh maintains a number of email addresses that provide users with online help. If you have an account on the system and would like to obtain answers to common questions, send email to: (technical assistance) (curricular assistance) (information pertaining to Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh) (setting up a slip account on a PC) (setting up a slip account on a MAC)

    If you are a PPS employee and would like an Internet account, call us at 622-5930.

    Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh
    501 Fortieth Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15224
    (412) 622-5930; Fax (412) 622-5935

    Assessment Staff
    Ann Davidson
    Rebecca Eurich-Fulcer
    Janet Schofield
    Janet Stocks

    Education Staff
    Barry Check
    Priscilla Franklin
    Richard Wertheimer
    Mario Zinga

    Technical Staff
    Andy Adams
    Eugene Hastings
    Gwendolyn Huntoon
    Kevin Sullivan

    Project Director
    Robert Carlitz

    Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh is a research project funded by the National Science Foundation to explore the educational utility of wide area networks for the national K12 community.