Beginning UNIX
UNIX is an operating
UNIX is the operating system that manages servers such as cats1, sparta
at Schenley, henry at Frick ..... Most users will use UNIX commands to
do account maintenance and run mail and news programs such as Pine and
Tin. Rather than navigate through their accounts from the menu,
experienced users find it is faster and more convenient to work from the
UNIX Prompt. When you first logon to your account you will see the UNIX
Prompt [check@cats1] ~>.
UNIX commands
In UNIX, a command is a direct instruction.
who - Type the who command and the command shows the names
and other information about other users currently logged on the system.
finger - Type the finger command and the command shows the
names of those users presently logged on to the system. To locate a user
on any system, type finger
- eg: Type finger to locate
a user named check.
tin - Type tin at the UNIX prompt to go
directly to newsgroups.
passwd - Type passwd at the UNIX prompt to change your
talk - Type talk username@whole server name to talk to another
- eg: Type talk to
request a talk session.
- eg: Type talk to start the talk
- If the talk request has scrambled the screen, you can redraw the
screen by typing Ctrl-L.
- If you do not wish to talk, type mesg
n to turn talk off for this session only.
- Type Ctrl-C to end
a talk session.
pine - Type pine at the UNIX prompt to go directly to your
- Type pine -i to go directly to your email index.
- Type pine [user address] to go directly into
composer, sending to a
given address.
- eg: pine will
allow composing a message to user franklin.
lynx - Type lynx at the UNIX prompt to go directly to the World Wide Web in text format only.
- eg: lynx will take you to the CK:P
- Type lynx [user home page address] (URL) to take you to that
gopher - Type gopher at the UNIX prompt to go directly to
the gopher.
Commands that are used for your account maintenance.
All users will be required at some point to perform maintenance on their
ls - To list files.
- Type ls to list the files in the present
- Type ls -a to list all files, including . files.
- Type ls -l to list files and file information.
- Type ls -al to list all files with information.
- Type ls -l |more to list one screen at a time.
cd - Type cd to change to a new directory.
- Type
mkdir www to create a new directory.
Type cd www to
change to the newly created directory.
To return to the previous directory
type cd ..
rm - To remove files and/or directories.
- Type rm filename to remove a file.
- Type rm -r directory name to remove a directory.
Special Navigational Commands
myquota - Type myquota to get quota information on your
ckpnews - Type ckpnews to get to the CK:P news
menu - Type menu to get to the CK:P main menu.
ansiprint [filename] - Prints a file to your local printer.