Homepage Policies
School Homepage Guidelines
- Be curriculum based
- Expand existing Acceptable User Policy to include guidelines
- Responsibility for management & editorial content
- Includes Principal ---Adm.---Teacher---Parents---Students
- Each site should have a Webmaster - Person who receives comments on homepages.
- Principal has ultimate responsibility
- Must be aware of homepage
- Should have awareness of all ramifications of public access to school homepage
- Should be in communication concerning material on homepage
- Schools without servers be given space on a central servers
- School district has ordered servers that will allow non CKP schools to construct homepages
- Issue of who will authorize home pages
- Issue of who will support the activity
Staff Homepages
- Curriculum focused and educationally oriented
- Using a school server, all information should reflect an educational focus
- Appropriate content
- Ethics Policy should reflect School District's Ethics Policy
- Appropriate to the classroom
- Must follow existing School District guidelines
- Cannot conflict with School Board Policy
- Links to other WWW pages
- Should there be allowed a link to private commercial home pages?
- Decision to consult district solicitor on School District policy/legal ramifications
- Disclaimer on direct links should be included
- Disclaimer on indirect links should be included
Student Homepage Guidelines
- Decision to contact district solicitor in regard to legal ramifications.
- Activities indicating need for creation of homepages
- Construction and writing as an educational task
- Student Portfolio
- Could include personal information as necessary
- Process of creating homepages
- Addressed in Student Acceptable Use Policy
- Need for student and parent approval at various intervals (elementary, middle, secondary levels)
- Parents be aware of personal information on homepages
- Check off of various levels of personal information allowed on homepages.
- What is appropriate?
- Someone to be responsible for monitoring of use
does contain personal information
- Treat as student newspaper would be treated
- Content must be approved by editorial group
- Student must create homepage and have parent permission before it is put on-line
- Changes on the homepage must be handled so information remains within guidelines
- Use existing School District Policy regarding publishing of student pictures, etc.
- Check off of various levels of personal information allowed on homepages.
- Provide various levels of access to student homepages
- Some information not publicly accessible...only accessible to certain groups.
- What is considered appropriate writing
- What is commercially acceptable? (solicitation for summer employment, selling books, displaying of job skills)
- Summary of Student Homepages
- Parents should be informed of Internet, both positives and negatives
- Parents should be informed of and sign off on student homepages.
- More information should be provided to parents than presently provided.
Parental Information....Internet
- Dissemination of information (sites, schools, district, project)
- Orientation of Internet and its usage on PCTV
- Send home flyer
- Meetings at the schools
- Issue books on the Internet
- Point to Http://www.safesurf.com