Online Ordering Form
4 x 5 $ 18.00 5 x 7 18.00 8 x 10 20.00 11 x 14 28.00 16 x 20 40.00 20 x 30 93.00 30 x 30 128.00
All prices are for black and white prints only.
All custom orders (non Pittsburgh Photographic Library) will be assessed an additional $15.00 per image.
Prices do not include postage or Pennsylvania sales tax (7%).
If tax exempt, number must be provided with order.
Color print prices differ.
Larger sizes available.
Special mounting and sepia toning available.
Rush orders are double the normal price.
$18.00 per slide. If masking is necessary, there is an extra charge.
When ordering, please let us know
the code number (if no number is given, please identify the filename of the screen),
the subject in a word or two,
the size you are requesting,
the number of copies,
and whether you want the print to be glossy or matte.
Email the Pennsylvania Department
Pittsburgh Photographic Library
Pennsylvania Department
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Fax: 412-621-1267