The Strip District: "Bayardstown Rats"
Bayardstown boys, known as "Bayardstown
rats" had a bad name. Any strange boy
that came along was certain to be brow-beaten and abused. Stone fights
with the Allegheny
boys and hill boys
common. Battles with Allegheny boys took place in skiffs on the river
or, in the winter time, on ice. When the canal was frozen over, as was often the case,
a Bayardstown mob would gather on skates and invade Allegheny. The invaders frequently
met their equals and the battle would end on the canal viaduct, neither party venturing
to enter the other's territory for fear of being ambushed.
The hill side above the site of the Pennsylvania Railroad was a regular battle
ground in struggles with the hill boys, who generally had the advantage until
the McCully Glass House
boys would be through with their day's work, when
by deploying to the right and left of the central fight the hill boys would be
outflanked and driven to flight. On one occasion they fled to a schoolhouse,
which was promptly bombarded with stones, all the windows broken and much damage
done to furniture and books. (3)