Pennsylvania Genealogy: Historical Background
Records & Directories
Census Records
- Federal population census schedules for 1790-1920 (with the exception
of the 1890 schedules) are widely available. There are Soundex indexes
available for 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920. Book index volumes cover
1790-1870. Philadelphia is covered in separate Soundex rolls for 1910.
- Pennsylvania did not take any state censuses. There are tax lists for
the period 1779-1863 which were compiled every seven years and are often
referred to as the "Septennial Census" but not all have survived. Early
tax lists for many counties can be found in the published "Pennsylvania
Archives" series.
- Nonpopulation federal schedules (agricultural, industrial, mortality)
also exist for Pennsylvania for 1850-1880.
Church Records
- From its inception, Pennsylvania's policy of religious tolerance has
made it attractive to settlers from numerous religious denominations,
including Presbyterians, Quakers, Baptists, Lutherans, German Reformed,
Roman Catholic, Moravian, Methodist, Episcopal, and Amish/Mennonite
groups. The data available in records from these churches is especially
useful because of the lack of civil registration of vital statistics.
Some church records have been microfilmed or deposited in denominational
archives but many remain in the individual churches. There are active
local historical and genealogical societies working to transcribe and/or
microfilm these records as well as groups within the denominations
Court Records
- Evolving from the original 3 counties, Pennsylvania is now divided into
67 counties, each with its own courthouse as a court records depository.
The type of material found includes probate records, civil and criminal
court proceedings, Orphans Court actions dealing with estates and
guardianships, divorces, and those naturalizations done through the
county court. The records of other county officials such as the Recorder
of Deeds and the Register of Wills may also be held in the courthouse.
Many Pennsylvania county courthouse records have been microfilmed and are
available through Mormon Family History Centers.
- City directories are often available for large cities (and sometimes
include their environs) and usually list heads of households and other
employed individuals residing at a particular address with their
occupations. Sometimes a place of employment is also listed. Sections on
businesses, churches, professional persons (such as doctors, lawyers,
etc.), charitable organizations and institutions are also included.
Immigration Records
- The port of Philadelphia has been a major port of entry for
Pennsylvania's emigrants since 1682. Passenger lists and indexes for the
years 1800-1948 are available on microfilm. Crew and vessel lists
1789-1880 are held by the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. There are
numerous published lists of early arrivals, especially Germans.
Land Records
- The Land Office of the Pennsylvania State Archives has early material
such as warrantee maps, surveys, and patents. Each courthouse will hold
deeds and often mortgage records. There were two portions of
Pennsylvania claimed by other states: southwestern Pennsylvania was
claimed by Virginia and northeastern Pennsylvania by Connecticut. You
will find information regarding these disputed land claims in records of
both states.
Military Records
- Records kept on the state level are held by the Pennsylvania State
Archives from the time of the colonial militia to World War II. Many
early militia lists and pension lists are found in the published
"Pennsylvania Archives" series. Federal lists and pension applications
and their indexes are available on microfilm.
Naturalization Records
- Early provincial and state records can be found in the published
"Pennsylvania Archives" series. Naturalizations through the county court
are held in the courthouse records and many are being published. Federal
court naturalizations and their indexes are available on microfilm.
Early "oaths of allegiance" required of many "foreign" immigrants are in
published form. Since Philadelphia was a center for immigration,
numerous oaths and naturalizations of persons who later moved westward
may be found there.
- County naturalizations are often held in the office of the
"prothonotary" who is simply a county official who functions as a clerk
of courts.
Tax Records
- Early tax records for many Pennsylvania counties are found in the
published "Pennsylvania Archives." County tax records should be part of
the courthouse records. Older records may be transferred to a local
historical society or library. The "Septennial Census" tax lists
previously mentioned are held by the Pennsylvania State Archives.
- The rolls for the Federal 1798 Direct Tax covering Pennsylvania are
available on microfilm.
Vital Records
- Few if any records of early births, deaths, and marriages exist in
civil records. During the period 1852-1854 counties kept registers for
these events which are available on microfilm. Many large cities began
registering births and deaths circa 1870. Marriage licenses were issued
by Pennsylvania counties beginning in 1885 and are kept in the county
records through the current date. Most counties began registering births
and deaths in 1893 and continued to 1906, with those records at the
county level. The state depository for birth and death records under the
State Department of Health holds records from 1906 to the current date.
These are not considered to be public record and cannot be browsed or
searched at random. State law of 1985 closed access to original birth
records in this depository. The county-held records before 1906 are open
for direct access.
- Marriage licenses were issued by Pennsylvania counties beginning in
October 1885. These records have no central depository but are open to
public access at their respective county repositories.
- There are scattered early records in various locations and most have
been published in sources such as the "Pennsylvania Archives."
Wills & Probate Records
- The county Register of Wills keeps copies of the will books, probate
and estate proceedings for each Pennsylvania county. The clerk of Orphans
Court will hold records dealing with any guardianship of children, etc.
Many of these will books, the docket books where they are recorded, and
the indexes used, are on microfilm. The Russell Index system is used to
index many of these courthouse records.
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