Oakland: What Carnegie Tech
Brings to Pittsburgh, 1927

An indication of the economic importance of an educational institution in the life and prosperity of its community is demonstrated in a report just compiled by the Carnegie Institute of Technology showing that it either brings to the Pittsburgh District or spends here annually a sum in excess of $3,500,000.
The report shows that the institution paid $999,000 last year in salaries and wages for instruction, administration and operation of plant. In addition, the School spent $122,000 on food and labor for its dormitories and dining halls.
Living expenditures made here by out-of-town students while attending the Institute were estimated to be $1,500,000. The report points out that this figure does not include any tuition costs, nor board and room expenses by students who live on the campus.
For conventions, parents' meetings, trade institutes, athletic attractions, etc., held under the auspices of the Institute of Technology, it is estimated that Carnegie Tech attracts at least 55,000 visitors to Pittsburgh yearly. Each of them spends at least $10 during the visit, bringing $550,000 from other cities to Pittsburgh merchants and hotel owners.
Expenditures for coal, gas, water, repairs, telephone service, instructional supplies, and printing and office supplies made here last year were $122,000. Expenditures for student activities, athletics, etc., reached an estimated total of $200,000.
In addition to the $999,000 spent for salaries and wages, practically all of which is considered to be of direct benefit to the Pittsburgh District, the Institute of Technology gave $32,000 worth of scholarships last year, including $10,000 which is awarded annually to high school honor students. For research, including the cost of maintaining research fellowships, the institution spends a yearly sum here of about $15,000 from its own funds.
Here are the figures in table form:

Instruction (Salaries)............................$  771,000.00
Administration (Salaries).........................   110,000.00
Cost of Operating Plant (Wages)...................   118,000.00
Dormitories and Dining Halls (food and labor).....   122,000.00
Coal, Gas, Water, Repairs, Telephone, etc.........    69,000.00
Instructional Supplies............................    23,000.00
Printing and Office Supplies......................    30,000.00
Research and Fellowships..........................    15,000.00
Scholarships......................................    32,000.00
Student Living Expenditures....................... 1,500,000.00
(Other than tuition and board and room at C.I.T.)
Visitors' Expenditures (55,000 at $10 each).......   550,000.00
Expenditures for Student Activities,
Athletics, Etc....................................   200,000.00
TOTAL............................................$ 3,540,000.00 (52) 

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