The Pittsburg Press, 15
June 1892.
Father Mollinger Can See No Patients This Week.
Many Had to Return Home.
Those from a Distance Remaining for a Blessing.
A Funeral from the Church.
The Solemn Services Attended by the Afflicted.
All the Visitors Are Disappointed.
This morning Father Mollinger gave instructions to his clerk to announce to the hundreds of waiting patients at the little church on Mt. Troy that there would be no audience granted to them before next week. Father Mollinger is ill. Even in the most urgent cases it is stated by his clerk that it is not advisable for him to see them.
Of course, there was disappointment when this announcement was made. Many of the people had come from a far distance; with the exception of a very few they were poor. They had hard work to raise the money to bring them here, and now that they are compelled to spend another week before they can get relief or a blessing, it is very hard on them. Some of them, not having money enough to do this, went home to-day, their visit to the shrine of St. Anthony a failure in so far as a cure was effected.
The boarding house keepers, however, are still doing a good business.
Every shady porch this morning seemed to be full of patients. Aged men
walked about under the shady trees of the church yard, led by boys--they
were blind. One young man who was blind was led by a cripple who had to
use one crutch, but he was eyes for the stalwart man who could not see.
The writer met a lady leading a little girl. The little one was
suffering from a nervous disease, and her mother had to watch her
closely. "She has been this way," said the mother, "since she was eight
months old. I know Father Mollinger can cure her. I only wish we could get
to see him," and the mother's eyes filled with tears.
There are several hundred patients on the hill awaiting the blessing,
which they hope will put them again in good health. But nothing will now
be done until next week.
At 9 o'clock this morning there was a funeral from the church. Adam Hock, a man of 58 years of age, had died, and the services were held at the church. The deceased had been a prominent member of the little church and the funeral service was a very impressive and solemn one. The mass for the dead was celebrated by Father Meyer assisted by [Fathers] Danziger and Griffin. The church was crowded and many beautiful floral emblems were seen. The singing of the choir, composed for the most part of children, was excellent, and Organist Holmes rendered some beautiful solos. Had it not been for this service, which many of the sick and crippled attended, there would have been very little to write about to-day, and a very small crowd would have been seen about the little chapel.
Father Mollinger passed a good night, but it is said he is too weak to even walk about the room. His condition, however, is much improved since yesterday. On Monday morning he arose very early, and the different services and the large crowds of people coming to the chapel had a prostrating effect upon him. He will, as he has said, be ready for active work next Monday.
Still Very Ill, 15 June 1892
The Dead Priest, 16 June 1892
Lying in State, 17 June 1892
Laid in the Grave, 18 June 1892