Lawrenceville: For Further Reading


* Allegheny Arsenal
Becer, Allan. The Allegheny Arsenal: Its Role in Local and National Affairs 1814-1865. Pittsburgh: n.p., 1982.

* Allegheny Cemetery
Kidney, Walter C. Allegheny Cemetery: A Romantic Landscape in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh & Landmarks Foundation, 1990.
Van Trump, James D. "A Pittsburgh Pantheon: Allegheny Cemetery," Carnegie Magazine (October 1959): 271-273.

* Foster, Stephen Collins
Root, Deane L., "Stephen Foster's Music Is Pittsburgh's Greatest Cultural Export," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 15 January 1987, 9.
Seiken, Jeff. "Portrait of Stephen Foster," Pitt Magazine, January 1993, 30-35.

* Lawrenceville--Community
Gannon, Joyce. "Sprucing up the Neighborhood: A Batch of Building and Restoration Work Being Planned for Lawrenceville's Doughboy Square," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 31 July 1993, C1.
Hayes, John. "Lawrenceville: The Next South Side?" In Pittsburgh, 12 September 1990, 4.
Perlmutter, Ellen M. "Lawrenceville Youths Given Second Shot at Fun," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette," 21 June 1993, C-7.
Rosensweet, Alvin. "At Home in Lawrenceville: Price Is Right, So Are People," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5 April 1980, 9, 11.

* Lawrenceville--History
Borkowski, Joseph A. Historical Highlights and Sites of Lawrenceville Area. Pittsburgh: Nathan Hale History Club, 1969.
Wudarczyk, James. A History of the Lawrenceville Vicinity. [Pittsburgh]: n.p., n.d.

* Pittsburgh Brewing Company
Laskas, Jeanne Marie. "Still Brewing after All These Years: Welcome to the Land of Iron City Beer." Pittsburgh (January 1986): 40-45.

* Zivic, Fritzie
McHugh, Roy. "All the Champs Remember Fritzie," Pittsburgh Press, 8 August 1982, D-1.

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