Dimout Lifted
- Caption: Dimout Lifted. Effective Immediately by
order of War Production Board.
- Electricity May Now Be Used for Lighting Outdoor Signboards, Marquees,
Show Windows--and Other Types of Ornamental and Display Lighting.
- With the advent of V-E Day, restrictions imposed by the War Production
Board on the use of Electricity for outdoor ornamental and display
lighting are no longer effective.
- Theaters, stores, restaurants, hotels, shops, and other commercial
establishments as well as outdoor advertisers, may now use electricity
without restriction. With the lifting of the dimout, there are again no
limitations whatever on the use of electricity.
- Duquesne Light Company.
- Notes: Copy of advertisement in scrap book,
Pennsylvania Department, qr974.886 C12p.
- From The Pittsburgh Press 9 May 1945.
- Photographer:
- Date: 9 May 1945.
- Heading: Pittsburgh. Wars. World War II.
- #: A816.
- From the Collections of the Pennsylvania Department,
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
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