con" href="../images/favicon_map.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> THOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi-bin/db/" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="database" VALUE="nd_ss"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="table" VALUE="mapwrapup_s"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session_key" VALUE="none"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="screen" VALUE="show_form"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="selection" VALUE="submit_live_form"> <center> <h2>Wrapup Questionnaire</h2> </center><p>Dialogue Participants, </p> <p>Thank you for joining the online Dialogue on Money and Politics. We want to learn more about how you interacted in the Dialogue and what you thought worked and didn't. Based on your comments we will make changes in future Dialogues. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. We certainly appreciate your comments. <table><tr ="" > <td > <b>First Name</b></td> <td colspan="1" > <input type='text' name="first_name" value="" size="40"></td> </tr> <tr ="" > <td > <b>Last Name</b></td> <td colspan="1" > <input type='text' name="last_name" value="" size="40"></td> </tr> <tr ="" > <td > <b>E-Mail</b></td> <td colspan="1" > <input type='text' name="e_mail" value="" size="40"></td> </tr> </table><p> 1. How much did you learn about the issue of money and politics? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p1"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Very much">Very much <OPTION VALUE="Some">Some <OPTION VALUE="A little">A little <OPTION VALUE="Not at all">Not at all </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 2. Would you like to participate in other Dialogues about policy issues in the future? [check all that apply] </p><blockquote><TABLE><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb2" VALUE="Yes, online"> Yes, online </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb2" VALUE="Yes, in-person"> Yes, in-person </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb2" VALUE="Tell me when they are available"> Tell me when they are available </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb2" VALUE="Not sure"> Not sure </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb2" VALUE="No"> No </TD></TR></TABLE></blockquote><p> 3. How did you view the communication in the discussion? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p3"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Mostly moderator-to-participants">Mostly moderator-to-participants <OPTION VALUE="Mostly participant-to-moderator">Mostly participant-to-moderator <OPTION VALUE="Mostly participant-to-participant">Mostly participant-to-participant <OPTION VALUE="An even mix">An even mix </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 4. During which weeks did you participate? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p4"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="The first">The first <OPTION VALUE="The second">The second <OPTION VALUE="Both">Both </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 5. About how many times did you visit the Dialogue Web site each week? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p5"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="1-2 times">1-2 times <OPTION VALUE="3-4 times">3-4 times <OPTION VALUE="5-6 times">5-6 times <OPTION VALUE="7 or more times">7 or more times </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 6. On the days you visited the Dialogue, about how much time did you spend? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p6"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Less than 15 minutes">Less than 15 minutes <OPTION VALUE="15 - 30 minutes">15 - 30 minutes <OPTION VALUE="30 - 60 minutes">30 - 60 minutes <OPTION VALUE="More than an hour">More than an hour </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 7. In total, about how many messages did you send to the group? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p7"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="None">None <OPTION VALUE="1-2">1-2 <OPTION VALUE="3-5">3-5 <OPTION VALUE="6-10">6-10 <OPTION VALUE="More than 10">More than 10 </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 8. If you posted messages, did you consider the perspectives of other participants in formulating your message? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p8"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Very much">Very much <OPTION VALUE="Some">Some <OPTION VALUE="A little">A little <OPTION VALUE="Not at all">Not at all <OPTION VALUE="I didn't post any messages">I didn't post any messages </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 9. When you did not send in comments what were some of the reasons why? [choose as many as you wish] </p><blockquote><TABLE><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb9" VALUE="Too busy to formulate comments"> Too busy to formulate comments </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb9" VALUE="Others had already made my point"> Others had already made my point </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb9" VALUE="The topic did not interest me"> The topic did not interest me </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb9" VALUE="I prefer to read and not send in messages"> I prefer to read and not send in messages </TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cb9" VALUE="Other (please specify below)"> Other (please specify below) </TD></TR></TABLE><textarea name='t9' wrap='virtual' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea></blockquote><p> 10. Did it seem that participants treated each other as equals, respectfully? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p10"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Very much">Very much <OPTION VALUE="Some">Some <OPTION VALUE="A little">A little <OPTION VALUE="Not at all">Not at all </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 11. Did you exchange e-mail with other participants during the Dialogue? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p11"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Yes quite a bit">Yes quite a bit <OPTION VALUE="Yes, just a little">Yes, just a little <OPTION VALUE="No">No </SELECT> </blockquote><p> Please rate the following elements of the Dialogue and Web site on a scale of 1-5 (1=very poor, lowered quality of the Dialogue ... 5=excellent, crucial to my experience of the Dialogue). Use the text boxes to provide additional comments. </p><p> 12. Moderator:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r12" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r12" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r12" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r12" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r12" VALUE="5">5 </p> 13. Suggestions for improving the role of the moderator: </p><blockquote><textarea name='t13' wrap='virtual' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea></blockquote><p> 14. Reporter:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r14" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r14" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r14" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r14" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r14" VALUE="5">5 </p> 15. Suggestions for improving the role of the reporter: </p><blockquote><textarea name='t15' wrap='virtual' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea></blockquote><p> 16. Money and Politics Issue Book:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="5">5   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r16" VALUE="Didn't use">Didn't use </p> 17. Other resources in the Briefing Book:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="5">5   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r17" VALUE="Didn't use">Didn't use </p> 18. Search tool:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="5">5   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r18" VALUE="Didn't use">Didn't use </p> 19. Overall Web site:   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="1" >1   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="2">2   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="3">3   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="4">4   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="5">5   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="r19" VALUE="Didn't use">Didn't use </p> 20. Suggestions for improving the Web site or the resources in the Briefing Book: </p><blockquote><textarea name='t20' wrap='virtual' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea></blockquote><p> 21. What version of the Money and Politics Issue Book did you use? </p><blockquote><SELECT NAME="p21"> <OPTION VALUE=" "> <OPTION VALUE="Online">Online <OPTION VALUE="Print version">Print version <OPTION VALUE="Both">Both </SELECT> </blockquote><p> 22. Please add any additional comments that you have: </p><blockquote><textarea name='t22' wrap='virtual' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea></blockquote><center> <font color='blue'><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="SUBMIT" VALUE="SUBMIT" OVERRIDE="1"></font>  </center><p>Thank you for sharing your views with us!</p>Laurie Maak, Producer<br> Bob Carlitz, Executive Director<br> Network Democracy Program<br> Information Renaissance<br> 1-888-638-5323</FORM></BODY></HTML> <html> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../images/favicon_map.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <title> <br> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- End of table containing body text --> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- End of table containing body text and linen border --> <p align="center"><b><font size="-1"> <a href="/network-democracy/map/welcome.shtml">Welcome</a> | <a href="/network-democracy/map/about/about.shtml">About this Event</a> | <a href="/network-democracy/map/join/join.shtml"><font color="330066">Join the Dialogue</font></a> | <a href="/network-democracy/map/bb/bb.shtml">Briefing Book</a> | <a href="/cgi-bin/network-democracy/map/search.plx">Search</a> </font></b></p><br> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- End of table containing banner, navigation bar and body text --> </body> </html>