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Dialogue Participants:
Now that you've had the chance to participate in a forum on this issue, we'd like to know what you are thinking. Your opinions, along with those of thousands of others who participated in in-person National Issues forums, will be reflected in a summary report that will be available to all citizens, including those who took part in the forums, as well as officeholders, members of the news media, and others throughout the country. Since we're interested in whether you have changed your mind about certain aspects of the issue, a few of the questions will be the same as those you answered in the pre-dialogue questionnaire when you first registered.
A. Please enter your name and e-mail address. These fields are required, but will be used only for statistical and demographic purposes.
Last Name:* First Name:* E-Mail:*
B. Please select the popup menu items that best match your answers to the questions that follow.
1. Do you favor or oppose the actions listed below?
a. Reduce the power of special interests by using public funds to finance elections EVEN IF that would cost taxpayers more money.
b. Curb the power of lobbyist for special interests EVEN IF that means reducing the power of interest groups that speak for you.
c. Remove restrictions on political donations EVEN IF that means that some candidates will have much more money than their opponents.
2. Do you favor or oppose each of these actions?
a. Lift restrictions on campaign fund-raising to ensure that all candidates have a chance to win.
b. Strictly limit the amounts of money special interests can give to political causes.
c. Forbid lawmakers from accepting gifts and favors from lobbyists.
d. Require radio and TV stations to give free airtime to candidates.
e. Let candidates raise as much money as they want, but strictly enforce disclosure laws.
f. Make it easier for voters to recall elected officials who are not serving the public interest.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the statements below?
a. High campaign costs discourage good people from running for office.
b. Current election laws favor those who already hold office.
c. Lobbyists for special interests have too much power with public officials.
d. Candidates depend too heavily on large campaign gifts from wealthy donors.
e. Restricting campaign gifts infringes on the rights of citizens.
f. Complex rules makes it too hard for ordinary citizens to put issues on the ballot.
4. Which statement best describes what you think should be done about money and politics?
a. I am not at all sure about what should be done b. I have a general sense of what should be done. c. I have a definite opinion about what should be done.
5. Which principles or deeply held beliefs should guide our approach to money and politics? Please explain:
6. Are you thinking differently about the issue of money and politics now that you have participated in the forum? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
7. Do you see ways for people to work on this issue that you didn't see before? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
8. What, if anything, might you do differently as a result of this forum?
9. What else about money and politics, if anything, still needs to be addressed? Please explain.
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