Money and Politics
Who Owns Democracy?

A project of Information Renaissance and National Issues Forums Research


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Money and Politics - Who Owns Democracy?
An Online Deliberative Dialogue

This spring the United States Senate will begin a debate on whether to change the current federal campaign finance laws. We are inviting you to participate in an online discussion that will examine the issues that the Senators are debating. This discussion will run from March 19 - March 30, 2001, and will include citizens, students, policymakers and representatives from businesses and non-profit organizations. This moderated, online deliberation will provide a unique opportunity for you to learn more about the issues surrounding the financing of our political campaigns.

Using the National Issues Forums format, members of the public will consider three different public policy choices. Each choice offers a contrasting diagnosis of what's wrong, based on public opinion surveys. The three perspectives also provide a direction for public action, or a way to approach the problem. Your task will be to consider each choice thoughtfully and deliberatively.

Because the Dialogue is conducted online you may participate at your convenience, at any time of the day or night, from your home, office or classroom. Registration for the Dialogue will be limited to 250 participants, but the site will be open to everyone for online viewing.

Information Renaissance is producing this online Dialogue with support from National Issues Forums Research. This will be a non-partisan Dialogue; Information Renaissance and the National Issues Forums do not advocate a specific solution or point of view.

This National Dialogue will provide a way for citizens to exchange ideas and experiences and to make more thoughtful and informed decisions. The results of the Dialogue will be shared with policymakers and their staffs.

Register early to be sure of reserving your place in the Dialogue.

For additional information visit the Dialogue Web site send e-mail to or call 888-638-5323.

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