ML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> h, Walrath & Holmes; Ken Hall, Chairman, School Services of California, Inc.; Patrick Lenz, Executive Vice Chancellor, California Community Colleges; Assemblywoman Carol Liu; William Pickens, President and CEO, Foundation for Educational Achievement; Assemblyman George Runner; and Donald Zimring, Deputy Superintendent, Las Virgenes Unified School District.

: Postings on today's topic that appeared on the Web site by 8:00 PM Pacific time are included in this summary.

  1. Do you find the draft Plan an improvement over the current funding model? If funding on the basis of a quality education will cost significantly more, what would be the best way to pay for it?

  2. Raising money at district level: Should the rules be changed for local communities that want to spend more on schools? Because of differences in wealth, some communities can raise money more easily than others. Should the state play a role here? If the state were to contribute so that all local communities could generate similar revenue from similar tax efforts, would it affect your opinion about school districts' raising money locally?

  3. Student Fees for Higher Education: Do you believe there should be additional (or different) financial aid to assure that students with more limited financial means will continue to be able to afford higher education? If yes, what funding sources should be used? Since California fees are relatively low, should fee increases for families who can afford to carry a larger share of the expenses for higher education be considered?

    While this summary contains the highlights from the many ideas that were offered, far more comprehensive information may be found in the discussion archives. We highly recommend that you read the original postings to discover the full richness of the discussion. We suggest you chose the Thread viewing option.

    Background summaries, daily topics, questions and background information are available from the Agenda page.

    Wednesday, June 12 will focus on Governance.

    I welcome your comments on the summaries.

    Sally Hedman

    Agenda Pages
    Background Student Learning Emerging Modes
    Personnel Development Workforce Preparation School Readiness
    Facilities & Finance Governance Wrap-up