ML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> i L. Barber, Jim Lawson, Bruce McPherson and David Rattray.

Note: Postings on today's topic that appeared on the Web site by 8:00 PM Pacific time are included in this summary.

  1. Should California monitor students' success in making the transition from formal education to gainful employment? Why or why not? Should this be a part of the accountability system in a Master Plan? How could this monitoring be done?

  2. Should educational institutions integrate career preparation in their curricula for all students, including academic courses? What are the best ways to prepare students for their working lives? Can "real world" applications be included in all curricula? What preparation would teachers need to implement this change? How can school and work be better aligned?

  3. The draft Plan suggests partnerships with business. How would this help students in their transition to work? What are the challenges businesses will face as they partner with schools, colleges, and universities? What are the challenges for the educational institutions? What are the conditions needed to establish successful partnerships?

While this summary contains the highlights from the many ideas that were offered, far more comprehensive information may be found in the discussion archives. We highly recommend that you read the original postings to discover the full richness of the discussion. We suggest you chose the Thread viewing option.

Background summaries, daily topics, questions and background information are available from the Agenda page and the Briefing Book.

Monday, June 10 will focus on School Readiness.

I welcome your comments on the summaries.

Sally Hedman

Agenda Pages
Background Student Learning Emerging Modes
Personnel Development Workforce Preparation School Readiness
Facilities & Finance Governance Wrap-up