ML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 's topic that appeared on the Web site by 8:00 PM Pacific time are included in this summary.
  1. What is your vision of how technology could be used to facilitate student achievement at all levels, pre-kindergarten through postsecondary? What should the role of the state be in achieving this vision? What are the pros and cons of public-private collaboration in this area?

  2. For non-traditional forms of educational programs and delivery, what should the ROLE of the state be? For example, should the state: (a) decide which models should be used and under what circumstances, (b) set accountability standards school districts must meet when they decide to use such models, (c) encourage and publicize research regarding which models are effective or ineffective in which situations, (d) encourage use of models that have demonstrated effectiveness? (Non-traditional programs include small schools, magnet schools, distributed learning/distance education, home schooling, and others.

  3. Should students be able to "test out" of requirements for degree or certificate programs? What role should colleges and universities play in this area? For example, should they: (a) be in the business of certifying sets of skills no matter whether those skills were acquired formally or informally, (b) allow students to test into certification programs, to make entry into programs more open, (c) follow standards set by the State or by private industry, or determine their own standards?

    While this summary contains the highlights from participants' comments, far more comprehensive information may be found in the individual postings.

    Background summaries, daily topics, questions and background information are available from the Agenda page.

    Thursday, June 6th will focus on Professional Personnel Development.

    I welcome your comments on the summaries.

    Sally Hedman

    Agenda Pages
    Background Student Learning Emerging Modes
    Personnel Development Workforce Preparation School Readiness
    Facilities & Finance Governance Wrap-up