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following analysis sets forth the specific recommendations contained
in the final report of the School Readiness Working Group, organized by
the categories contained in the report. The staff comments that follow
each section are intended to illuminate those recommendations, the deliberations
that led to those recommendations, and/or important information that should
be considered in evaluating those recommendations.
Goals of the Working Group
The School Readiness Working Group, established and operated on behalf
of the Joint Committee by the California Children and Families Commission,
examined children holistically in order to build a system of early education
services that families can use to capture their children's inherent desires
to learn and achieve, and thereby create a foundation for successful lifelong
learning. The Group pays particular attention to closing the achievement
gap that affects many children across the state.
The Group proposes 14 major recommendations for California's early childhood
educational system - the first five concern establishing conditions that
result in ready children and ready schools, recommendations six through
eleven focus on establishing a high-quality early childhood education system,
and recommendations twelve through fourteen describe essential conditions
for establishing communities that are responsive to the needs of parents
and families. For clarity, sub-recommendations are included under each
major recommendation in this analysis. Those sub-recommendations variously
provide expansion on the primary recommendation or constitute a strategic
plan for implementing the recommendation.
Ready Children and Schools
FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS: Fund high quality programs for all
low-income infants and toddlers and enhance developmental screening in
the earliest years of life.
Enact legislation to guarantee all low-income (or otherwise
eligible) families access to subsidized, standards-based child development
Enact legislation that establishes accountability in
the health care system for providing comprehensive and continuous health
and developmental screening and assessment services for all children, beginning
at birth.
Staff comments
Noting that low-income children, who have the most to gain from quality
care, are the least likely to experience it, the Working Group sought to
two problems: that good quality infant and toddler care is scarce; and
that there is no systematic way to gauge children's health and developmental
status. Costs of such a system would be high, even if phased in (starting
with children in communities whose schools are in the lowest three deciles
of achievement) as proposed. To partially offset these costs, can a feasible
mechanism be developed to transfer resources from programs (such as health
or prisons) whose service populations would be reduced by effective early
care? Because many children, especially those in highly mobile families,
are often under- and over-treated, the Group examined the use of technology
to better maintain health records. The Group also proposes that data from
comprehensive developmental assessments at ages 1, 3, and 5, including
data bearing on issues of developmental delay and disabilities, be documented
in a statewide data system. Such data would be enormously sensitive.
How can the interests of parents to protect information about their children
be balanced with the State's need for improved data to evaluate programs?
Is there a risk of parents choosing to keep their children from assessment
or treatment services to avoid perceived concerns about privacy?
FOR PRESCHOOLERS: For the two years leading up to kindergarten
entry, provide universal access to formal preschool programs that offer
group experiences, standards-based curricula, and individualized transition
plans to kindergarten.
Enact legislation that phases in publicly funded universal
preschool in a variety of settings for all three-and four-year olds whose
parents choose to enroll them.
Enact legislation that requires all public elementary
schools and subsidized child development programs to create individualized
readiness transition plans for preschoolers entering kindergarten.
Enact legislation that requires the phasing in of dual-language
learning for all young children in programs that receive public subsidies.
Staff Comment:
Again, universal preschool would be extremely costly to the state.
The Legislature may wish to explore mechanisms to offset costs from programs
whose service populations would be reduced by the implementation of effective
preschool experiences. The recommendation to utilize the early brain development
stage that is conducive to language acquisition to introduce dual-language
learning is consistent with the Student Learning Working Group recommendation
that all students be fluent in two languages by graduation from high school.
FOR KINDERGARTENERS: Require kindergarten attendance for all
children; phase in full-school-day kindergarten; and align preschool and
kindergarten standards, curricula, and services.
Enact legislation to include kindergarten in the compulsory
education system.
Enact legislation to phase in full-school-day kindergarten
for all California children, beginning in districts with schools with the
lowest API scores.
Enact legislation to direct the California Department
of Education to require and support continuity between the standards and
curricula for preschool and kindergarten.
Staff comments
The Working Group noted that 94 percent of children now voluntarily
attend kindergarten but stated that, ultimately, all of California's
children should have "a full-school-day-kindergarten experience." It is
reasonable to assume that a significant portion of the six percent of children
who do not attend kindergarten are being withheld by parents who are engaging
in home schooling by their own definition. Also, many of the children accounted
for in charter school kindergarten enrollment are actually being home schooled
under the auspices of the charter schools in which they are enrolled. Assuming
that the Legislature would be unwilling to attempt to compel home-schooling
parents to actually send their children to school, it is possible that
mandating kindergarten might result in very few additional children actually
attending conventional school.
Staff notes that in recent years, legislative attempts to make kindergarten
attendance compulsory have failed.
The vast majority of students in kindergarten currently attend partial-day
programs. The costs associated with expanding these programs to full-time
would be high.
The Group concluded that there exists a significant discontinuity between
the State's recently adopted pre-kindergarten guidelines and kindergarten
academic content standards. Would the Group recommend that continuity be
achieved by raising the pre-kindergarten, or lowering the kindergarten,
FOR CHILDREN IN PRIMARY GRADES: Require "Ready Schools" plans
to build on the gains that children have made during their early years.
Enact legislation that requires all schools to implement
standards-based rich learning experiences and support services in kindergarten
through the primary grades to preserve and extend the gains that children
have made in preschool.
Enact legislation that requires all public elementary
schools to create, submit, and/or revise a "Ready Schools" plan.
Staff comments:
In these recommendations, the Working Group attempted to respond to
research that documents a change in the developmental period of children
that occurs between ages 8 and 9; thus, children in K-3 grades are in a
developmental stage more closely aligned with that which children experience
in preschool. This recommendation would be a mandate on local districts,
resulting in cost to the state. Later in the report, the Group recommends
that the California Department of Education be the single agency responsible
for all components of early childhood education - including the development
of these standards -- but does not address here or elsewhere how the Department
would manage issues of compliance by districts to this mandate.
OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS: Establish accountability and mandate professional
development to ensure effective placements of children in inclusive and
appropriate early childhood education programs with suitable adult-child
ratios for children with disabilities and other special needs.
Enact legislation to establish accountability for effective
placement of children with disabilities and other special needs in inclusive
and appropriate early childhood education programs.
Enact legislation that mandates professional development
on educating children with disabilities and other special needs for educators
who work with young children in publicly-funded settings.
Enact legislation that establishes and funds appropriate
adult-child ratios in mainstream settings that include children with significant
Staff comments:
These recommendations reflect the Joint Committee's commitment that
the Master Plan should apply to all students, and the principle that equitable
education requires unequal resources.
High Quality Early Childhood Education System
STANDARDS: Require the use of child learning and development goals supported
by individual learning plans and uniform program standards for all publicly
funded licensed and license-exempt programs.
Enact legislation that requires adoption of child learning
and developmental goals from the California Department of Education's Desired
for children from birth to age five, and implement an assessment
system for children ages three to five that assures appropriate usage of
assessment instruments for instructional improvement and children's achievement.
Enact legislation that requires individualized learning
plans for all children in publicly-supported family child care homes, preschools,
and kindergartens.
Enact legislation that directs the California Department
of Education to develop a uniform set of program standards, including appropriate
adult-child ratios and grouping practices, for all subsidized licensed
and license-exempt providers.
Staff comments
How is the development of individualized learning plans to be reconciled
with prescribed state pre-kindergarten guidelines (and to prepare all children
to be ready to learn in accordance with kindergarten standards)?
Alternative Payment programs, which often purchase informal care for
their clients, currently receive over $1 billion in State support. The
Working Group recommended that all such providers should develop required
individualized learning plans with the assistance of provider networks,
coupled with training requirements and improved compensation. Will there
be sufficient additional resources available, and will the Department sufficiently
reconcile these various components, in a manner which ensures that the
substantial new burden on these providers will not dissuade them from continued
service delivery?
Childhood Development legislation that raises standards for early childhood
educators and funds a professional development system that prepares, supports,
and guides the compensation of all adults who care for and educate children.
Require the California Department of Education to establish
an integrated statewide professional development system to recruit, train,
and credential qualified early childhood educators.
Adopt more rigorous education requirements and standards
of certification.
Establish an early childhood education compensation
and benefits system comparable to the compensation system in public schools.
Require 48 hours of paid professional development for
all providers working in programs that receive public subsidies and who
have not had formal training (including providers who are license-exempt).
Staff comments
These recommendations respond to the fact that pre-kindergarten guidelines
and kindergarten standards have risen significantly in recent years. Together,
they would have the overall effect of converting preschool education for
3- and 4-year-olds to the prior operational status of kindergarten, with
kindergarten ascending to the operational status of the primary grades.
In addition, these recommendations would assign responsibility for establishing
and maintaining credential standards for early childhood educators to the
Department of Education, rather than to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing,
which is assigned those functions for K-12 teachers. Is such a dichotomy
appropriate for a cohesive system of education?
ACCOUNTABILITY: Enact legislation
to create an accountability system (including program evaluation) that
ensures that public investments in early care and education result in improved
school readiness and, over time, improved achievement.
Require the California Department of Education to collect
and utilize data for early childhood program accountability.
To ensure that programs are effective, require collection
of accountability data every three years on student outcomes for three-
and four-year old children in programs that receive public subsidies.
Integrate statewide early childhood data collection
with kindergarten through grade 12 data collection so that such data will
be used to inform efforts to improve policy and practice.
Staff comments
These recommendations are consistent with those of other Working Groups
as to the need for more comprehensive, consistent, and centralized data
collection in all areas of education.
GOVERNANCE: Combine all existing state and federal child care
and development programs into one early education system under the California
Department of Education. Devolve decision-making regarding planning and
resource allocation to county superintendents of schools.
Establish a Cabinet position with the title, Secretary
of Education and Child Development, and reconfigure the California State
Board of Education.
Create two divisions within the California Department
of Education, the division of Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE)
serving children birth through grade three, and the division of Elementary
and Secondary Education (ESE), serving students in grades four through
Create an advisory committee for the Division of Early
Childhood and Primary Education and an advisory committee for the Division
of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Expand the role of the county superintendents of schools
in the governance and fiscal oversight of early childhood education.
Create a County Early Childhood Development Advisory
Council (CECDAC) to advise the county superintendent regarding resource
allocation, infrastructure development, and program and service accountability.
Staff comments
The Working Group's recommendations for creation of a cabinet secretary
and restructuring of the Department of Education are intended to elevate
the policy status of early childhood education services to be co-equal
with that of K-12 education. The Working Group stated in its report that
its recommended Cabinet Secretary of Education and Child Development would
"replace" the elected Superintendent of Public Instruction; this recommendation
goes beyond that of the Governance Working Group. Further, it recommends
that the Secretary have purview over Child Development as well as education;
the committee may wish to note that while the prior Governor maintained
an Office of Child Development and Education, the current Governor appointed
a Secretary for Education only.
The Group also recommended a reconfiguration of the State Board of Education.
The Governor currently appoints all members. Under the Group's recommendation,
the Legislature would control four of nine appointments and would have
a majority of the appointments to two advisory councils that would appoint
an additional four board members.
Under current law and practice, county superintendents have limited
"governance" authority relative to statewide programs. What is the specific
intent of the Group regarding the "governance and fiscal oversight of early
childhood education" by county superintendents?
FINANCE: Develop and fund a per-child
allocation model of financing early care and education sufficient to meet
the new system's quality standards and organizational infrastructure requirements.
Enact legislation that expands Proposition 98 to create
a new guaranteed per-child state allocation for all three- and four-year
olds to fund core universal preschool services.
Enact legislation to allocate additional funds for wraparound
(before and after preschool) care and flexible support services for low-income
families with three- and four-year olds attending universal preschool.
Enact legislation that creates a state allocation that
will be increased annually to become a guarantee over time, providing all
low-income birth to three-year olds with early care and education services
and flexible support services used at parents' discretion.
Enact legislation that creates a state allocation for
all children, birth to kindergarten, to fund school readiness services
at local School Readiness Centers.
Enact legislation to create a Financing Task Force to
calculate the per-child allocation needed to fund high-quality early education
services and organizational infrastructure for low-income newborns to three-year
olds, for universal preschool and wraparound care, and school readiness
services for families with children, from birth to Kindergarten.
F. Enact legislation that consolidates under the Department
of Education child care funds that currently flow through the Departments
of Education and Social Services.
Staff comments
These recommendations, along with others in the Report, might have
the effect of sweeping into the purview of a Master Plan for Education
and the education system some issues that more appropriately belong in
other arenas, such as health. In recent years, some non-education services
have been removed from calculation and expenditure consideration of Proposition
What would be the most effective role of the education system (local
schools in particular) with respect to service delivery in these other
areas? What options exist for redirecting existing non-education revenue
at the local level to partially cover the costs of wrap-around services?
The Group proposes a per capita allocation of funding - versus ADA-type
funding - while permitting voluntary participation in pre-school services,
potentially creating substantial mismatches between fund allocation and
Responsive Communities
FACILITIES: Improve the availability, quality, and maintenance
of early education facilities.
Enact legislation that will significantly increase the
number of school facilities serving young children.
Enact legislation that provides incentives to foster
facility construction and development.
Enact legislation that establishes design standards
for subsidized early childhood facilities, appropriate to young children's
legislation that will allocate resources to establish a network of neighborhood-based
School Readiness Centers that gives all families access to essential services
to meet children's developmental needs.
Enact legislation to ensure that every California child
has access to a "health care home," including prenatal care.
Enact legislation that funds a statewide health and
development "passport" for every California child.
To increase the number of children covered, enact legislation
to expand Healthy Families for children and their families with incomes
up to 300% of poverty.
Staff comment:
In considering this recommendation, as with #10 above, the committee
may wish to consider the appropriate role of schools and the education
system with respect to service delivery and oversight for these non-education
stable and continuous health care for children and pregnant women, develop
a statewide system for issuing heath and development "passports," and expand
insurance coverage.
Enact legislation to ensure that every California child
has access to a "health care home," including prenatal care.
Enact legislation that funds a statewide health and
development "passport" for every California child.
To increase the number of children covered, enact legislation
to expand Healthy Families for children and their families with incomes
up to 300% of poverty.
WORK AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT: Provide incentives for paid family
leave and employer/workplace family-friendly practices.
Enact legislation to create a paid family
leave benefit that may be based on insurance models with contributions
shared among employers, employees, and public funds.
Enact legislation to provide incentives for employers
to implement family-friendly policies geared to helping parents carry out
their parental responsibilities.
Staff comments
The working group is silent on the maximum time limit for the family
leave policy being recommended.