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inal Report
The following analysis sets forth the specific recommendations contained
in the final report of the Emerging Modes of Delivery, Certification, and
Planning Working Group, organized by the categories contained in the report.
The staff comments and questions that follow each section are intended
to illuminate those recommendations, the deliberations that led to those
recommendations, and/or important information that should be considered
in evaluating those recommendations:
Goals of the Working Group
The Emerging Modes of Delivery, Certification and Planning Working Group
organized its deliberations around the five-fold charge given to it by
the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education.
Identifying ways in which emerging information technologies can facilitate
a more efficient and effective distribution of education services, and
more cost-effective use of facilities.
Identifying best teaching and learning practices from emerging organizational
forms, such as charter schools and community partnerships, and exploring
how these best practices can best be replicated systemically.
Identifying methods for certifying learner competencies that are highly
responsive to learner needs and that permit customization of student educational
plans that can expedite achievement of their educational goals.
Identifying sensible, long-term remedies for ongoing systems planning,
for the modeling of reform alternatives, and for short and long range forecasting
of educational change.
Identifying ways to better coordinate the administration and delivery of
noncredit and adult education.
The Group further adopted a set of overarching principles it believed should
be applied to efforts to transform California's education system: (1) equity
and access, (2) flexibility to meet learner needs, (3) quality and accountability,
and (4) coordination, cooperation, and planning for a seamless delivery
The Emerging Modes of Delivery, Certification and Planning Working Group
proposes 28 major recommendations for California's educational system,
grouped according to the specific charges assigned to it and the four principles
it adopted. The group decided to separate assessment and certification,
resulting in six major areas for which recommendations have been made.
The first eight pertain to emerging modes of instructional delivery. Five
recommendations address emerging organizational forms. Four recommendations
focus on assessment and one is offered for certification. Three recommendations
are offered in the area of forecasting and planning. Finally, seven recommendations
are offered pertaining to adult education.
Emerging modes of Instructional Delivery
Equity and Access recommendations:
- The State should ensure that educational institutions provide
multiple modes of delivery, including applying technologies, to ensure
meaningful access for all populations and individuals throughout their
- The State should ensure long-term, continuous support that
will result in access to technology by all institutions regardless of how
remote the location of the learner.
- The State should encourage technology that aims for simplicity
in design, supports flexibility, is financially feasible, is measured through
outcomes and assessment, and allows users to enhance its applications.
Flexibility to Meet Learner Needs recommendation:
- The State should provide funding for institutional
development of distributed learning.
Quality and Accountability recommendation:
- The State should support the ongoing professional development
of all staff in technology applications, to ensure they have the skills
to help students develop the technology skills, knowledge, and aptitudes
needed for lifelong success.
Coordination, Cooperation and Planning recommendations:
- The State should take the lead in developing educational
technology partnerships that include the public, private, non-profit, and
for-profit sectors.
- The State should encourage local education agencies to establish
partnerships with utilities, telecommunication companies, software and
hardware providers, and others to facilitate functional universal access
to technology.
- The State should encourage cross-segmental collaboration
and dialogue among teachers at the same levels, to improve instructional
Staff Comments/Questions
Pending Issue: Staff notes that while not explicit in the final
report, Group discussion clearly indicated the intent of ensuring availability
of multiple modes of delivery, including distributed education, should
not be pursued in lieu of making available more traditional educational
facilities in areas of the state that need them. Rather, the recommendation
is intended to ensure that state policy does not perpetuate or expand the
"digital divide" between schools.
The report states with regard to recommendation 3 that "Priorities must
be set that define standards for technology resources and provide a framework
that the educational segments can use in planning for programs, funding,
and professional development[,]" adding that "no one-time-only program
can be expected to support all the education needs in this major shift
in instruction and assessment" and "[t]he use of technology must be assessed
on an ongoing basis." Pending Questions: What agency or entity -
existing or new - should be assigned the continuing responsibility of setting
technology-related standards? Pending Issue: Broad incorporation
of technology in public education will require ongoing investment in equipment
and software upgrades, professional development, and technical assistance?
Pending Issue: The report recommends state partnerships with for-profit
institutions and various technology companies. The State's recent effort
to build a collaborative among the CSU and private companies revealed potential
fundamental tensions among the diverse objectives of public institutions,
students, faculty, and these private service providers. Any future efforts
of this nature should be informed by this and other prior experiences.
Emerging Organizational Forms
Flexibility to Meet Learner Needs recommendations:
- The State and local education agencies should offer incentives
to teachers who put learning within the community or environmental context
of their students.
- The State and local education agencies should encourage
innovative emerging organizational forms, including charter schools that
are standards-based and assessed against those standards on an ongoing
- The State should set aside a pool of funds to encourage
the creation of small schools in K-12 education.
Coordination, Cooperation, and Planning recommendations:
- The State and communities should establish incentives for
joint development and use of school facilities with cities and counties,
including libraries, classrooms, and recreational and community space.
New construction should be linked to the community, and better links
should be established with the community in existing schools.
The structures should be in compliance with the same building codes
applicable to other buildings, such as libraries and government offices.
Technology should support distributed learning in these and other settings.
- The State should establish an Innovation Fund to support
innovative projects and intersegmental collaboration in education.
Staff Comments/Questions
Pending Question: To what extent would the placing of teaching and
learning activities in community locations result in more efficient use
of, or reduced demand for, school facilities?
Pending Question: Given that certain districts have difficulty in
acquiring property for school construction, what are the implications for
equity of opportunity if the State creates incentives for small school
construction? Should the Working Group recommendation apply to school-within-a-school
settings in such impacted areas?
Pending Issue: The second item under recommendation 4 apparently
refers indirectly to the "Field Act" earthquake safety structural standards
applicable only to public school buildings. It is staff's understanding
that, as applicable to new construction, there are few differences between
the Field Act construction standards themselves and the standards for all
other public buildings - the principal distinction between the two instead
being the greater degree of inspection and compliance verification required
during school construction. Field Act requirements do increase the cost
of new construction, but most controversy surrounding the Field Act in
recent years has centered on its making existing, modern public buildings,
because they were not originally constructed in compliance with all of
the Act's requirements, effectively unavailable for public school use.
Various limited exemptions from the Field Act have been enacted into law
during the last twenty years.
The Group states that the joint development and use of facilities is a
sensible, cost-effective solution to the facilities problem facing California.
Pending Questions: To what extent can shared facility use with local
municipalities and/or other educational or business institutions mitigate
facilities construction needs?
Quality and Accountability recommendations:
- Institutions should assess and document instructional innovations,
outcomes, and achievement.
- The State and local education agencies should assure that
accountability expectations and measures for assessment and testing are
made public and understandable for all participants in the system. Any
assessment used for 'high-stakes' decisions and consequences should have
measurement validity and reliability, and should reflect the level at which
knowledge and skills are gained from appropriate instruction.
- The State should encourage schools and postsecondary institutions
to use test results from one set of instruments in multiple ways to avoid
over-testing learners, although high stakes decisions about student placement
and promotion should not be made on the basis of a single test.
Coordination, Cooperation and Planning recommendation:
- The State should encourage creation, by 2005, of
a digital learning portfolio for each learner that would allow the student
to move through a variety of coordinated delivery systems, regardless of
the provider.
Staff Comments/Questions
The report commentary for Recommendation 1 states that practice-oriented
research and documentation can serve as valuable tools and inform decisions
to continue or discontinue current practices but observes that schools
often do not have the resources to engage in such practices. Pending
Questions: Who should engage in such research? What standards or criteria
should guide determination of best practices? Who should define those criteria/standards?
The report calls for "a digital learning portfolio for each learner," but
beyond observing that "coordinated information systems would provide students
easy access to their own academic records" it does not further discuss
what should be included in the individual digital portfolios. Pending
Question: In what respects, if any, should the portfolios differ in
content from existing academic records?
Flexibility to Meet Learner Needs recommendation:
- The State should identify an entity to develop
a common set of requirements for certificates to be developed by a consortium
of partners, including education institutions, employers, and community-based
Staff Comments/Questions
State entities have typically not gotten involved in curricular matters
of public postsecondary education other than review of newly proposed academic
programs, joint doctorate programs, and the establishment of criteria that
are used in the program review process. Colleges and universities have
responded to changing workforce priorities through contract education,
continuing education, and extension programs. There is also a growing trend
of third-party skill certification from such businesses as Microsoft, Cisco,
etc. that is highly valued for employment purposes. Pending Questions:
Does the State wish to become involved more directly in curricular matters?
Should skill certifications remain with contract education, continuing
education, and extension programs or be shifted to General Fund supported
portions of postsecondary education?
Forecasting and Planning
Coordination, Cooperation, and Planning recommendations:
- The State should conduct an annual forecast, through a
designated entity, of education trends and needs, including elements critical
to state policy-making and resource allocation.
- The State should develop all-electronic data collection
processes by the year 2005 that would make minimal demands on school districts
while providing sufficient information for policy decisions.
- The State should develop unique identifiers for critical
elements of the educational system when continuity and cross-correlation
of information is important, particularly (1) students, (2) instructors,
and (3) institutions.
Staff Comments/Questions
The Group provides several specific illustrations in the report of data
that would be useful in assessing the condition of the state's education
system under Recommendation 1 of the report (p. 24), such as available
learning resources and room-by-room condition of facilities. Pending
Questions: What is the appropriate balance of State and local roles
in the collection and maintenance of comprehensive data on various components
of the education system? What are the ramifications of comprehensive data
being available to various state policy-makers on the programmatic decision-making
of local school boards or postsecondary system boards?
Adult Continuing Education
Equity and Access recommendation:
- 1. The State should establish a funding base adequate to the
increasing challenges facing California's Adult Continuing Education System.
Flexibility to Meet Learner Needs recommendation:
- The State should develop a broad set of program categories
that allow for the substantial flexibility necessary to meet local needs
of adult learners.
Proposed categories include Life Management Skills, Civics Participation,
Workforce Learning, and Foundational/Academic Skills Development.
Quality and Accountability recommendations:
- The State should expand adult continuing education course
standards to include student performance measures such as those developed
by the National Skill Standards Board, the Secretary's Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skills (SCANS), and Equipped for the Future.
- The State should support an accountability system for adult
continuing education students, emphasizing student performance and rewards
for institutions for achievement.
- The State should support the ongoing professional development
of all staff who work with adult learners to enable the students to develop
the skills, knowledge, and aptitudes for life-long successes.
Coordination, Cooperation, and Planning recommendations:
- The State should review the governance structure
for adult continuing education, including the role of the Joint Board Committee
on Noncredit and Adult Education, with the goal of achieving a seamless
delivery system among multiple providers that ensures a smooth transition
for those adult learners continuing on to formal education, pursuing other
goals, or entering the workforce.
- The State should develop a mechanism for the reciprocity
of instructional credentials, based on minimum qualifications, between
the adult education and noncredit systems to allow instructors to teach
in either or both systems.
Staff Comments/Questions
The report indicates that the adult education sub-group did not offer recommendations
on the governance structure of adult education and the overall Working
Group could not derive consensus on a unified governance structure. The
Group cites the belief by a number of professional groups that the current
dual administration model works well. Pending Question: As a matter
of logical alignment, should the State consider placement of adult education
services and accountability with adult-serving institutions?
The report states that "Funding formulas [for all adult continuing education
offerings] need to provide adequate means ... comparable to that provided for
community college credit programs and not based on hour-by-hour attendance ... ."
Adult education as presently constituted provides classes for substantial
numbers of concurrently enrolled high school pupils. Pending Question:
Would it be wise policy to extend the looser, per-capita attendance accounting
standards of community college credit classes to classes provided for high
school pupils through adult education?